Eurograd message

Message posted on 21/03/2023

4 positions on ERC-project DigID - Doing Digital Identities

Dear all,

I am happy to announce that the ERC-funded project /DigID – Doing Digital Identities/ is looking for 2 PhD-students and 2 postdoctoral researchers to join the project team.

The PhD-positions are for a period of four years and the two Post-doc positions for a period of three years each. The expected starting date for all positions is 1^st September 2023 and the deadline for applications 10^th of April.

All positions are part of the ERC-funded project “DigID – Doing Digital Identities” which is based at the /Centre for Digital Cultures/ at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg in Northern Germany. In a nutshell, the project investigates how the move from paper-based towards digital methods of identification reconfigures citizen-state relations. More information about the project can be found under the following link as well as in the job advertisements below:

I would be grateful if you could advertise the job offers widely within your networks and also forward them to interested candidates. Since DigID is an explicitly interdisciplinary research project, applications from all disciplines of the social sciences as well as project-related fields of study (anthropology, STS, critical data studies, critical geography etc.) are welcome.

Thank you very much in advance for your help with advertising the positions. Should you have further questions about the positions and are interested in applying for one of them please do not hesitate to contact me.

With best wishes,


-- Professor für Politische Soziologie Institut für Soziologie & Kulturorganisation (ISKO) Raum C5.208 Leuphana Universität Lüneburg


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