Eurograd message

Message posted on 15/03/2023

Postdoctoral Research Associate position - King's College London

Dear Colleagues, I am recruiting for a new Postdoctoral Research Associate position on my Wellcome funded 'Biomedical Research and the Politics of the Human' project. If you could share the below advert with your network and send to any researchers with an interest in exploring the intersections between biotechnology, ethics, and society, I would be very grateful. Deadline for applications is 11 April, 2023. Job Advert: of-Global-Health-and-Social-Medicine

All the best, Amy Dr. Amy Hinterberger | Associate Professor

Department of Global Health & Social Medicine King's College London | Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy 30 Aldwych London WC2B 4BG | Room 3.19 Bush House

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