Eurograd message

Message posted on 08/02/2023

Several permanent junior researcher positions in Computer Architecture and Compilation at Inria

Dear colleagues,

This year, Inria (French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology) is recruting 48 junior researchers: 24 research fellows (CRCN) and 24 Inria starting faculty positions (ISFP). Both these types of recruitements are equivalent to standard tenured positions in other countries such as the US and the UK, with an important advantage—Inria positions are full-time research positions. There is no required teaching for CRCN (unless one wishes to teach), reduced teaching duties for ISFP (32-64 hours/year).

An Inria researcher is part of a team. Team members are typically united by a common research project, or common research interests. Thus, all applicants should contact the head of the team in their research domain for advice and guidance. It is important to contact the team leader at the earliest. Inria has several computer architecture and compiler teams such as CAMUS, CASH, CORSE, EMERAUDE, PACAP, TARAN (please visit who would gladly support your application.

The deadline for submitting the application is March 5. Further details about application procedure are available here:

all the best --Fabrice

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