Eurograd message

Message posted on 06/02/2023

PhD Course Extraction Ethnographies | NMBU-Noragric and UiO-TIK Oslo | 17–21 April 2023

Call for applications is now open: PhD Course Extraction Ethnographies, Oslo, Norway (NMBU-Noragric and UiO-TIK), 17–21 April 2023: Extraction Ethnographies is the result of a collaboration between the Department of International Environment and Development Studies at NMBU, and the TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture at the University of Oslo. The course runs from with mandatory full attendance. Application deadline: 28 February.

This course invites applications from PhD candidates interested in combining conceptual approaches with field-based research on extractive activities. This can encompass research on the mining of minerals or biological resources as well as on data mining: the extraction of materials, substances, information, and digital data from the geo- and biospheres.

The course will draw on a diverse body of scholarly work at the intersections of science and technology studies (STS), environmental anthropology and political ecology, and with a specific interest in decolonial theory, infrastructure and data studies, feminist technoscience studies and environmental humanities.

Scholars and participants will discuss the analytical and methodological possibilities of extraction ethnographies. With this concept we refer to research that focuses on processes of resource transformation, circulation and appropriation by connecting sites, following traces and empirically studying the politics of scales and scaling across cases in the Global South and North.

We will revisit multilocal ethnography with a focus on the infrastructures of extractive industries, from oil platforms and pipelines, mining excavation sites and transport routes, to legal infrastructures tied to long-standing court cases, as well as digital infrastructures such as global data bases for sequence data such as GeneBank. Additionally, the course will attend to the visions, enchantments and promises of future wealth, as well as the ruins, costs and debris of modernization. For more details and application info, see: (continuously updated)

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