Eurograd message

Message posted on 01/02/2023

Reminder – Making liveable (STS) worlds workshop

Apologies for cross-posting

Dear all,

We would like to kindly remind you of the upcoming abstract submission date – Monday, 20 February 2023 – for our book development workshop on "Making liveable (STS) worlds through reflexive methods”.

During the workshop we seek to discuss how we can create more liveable spaces – in research and beyond – with reflexive methods and what kinds of methods, techniques, and tools can be mobilised to faithfully ‘make and do’ reflexivity in research?

We look forward to receiving contributions that reflect on research practices and reflexivity as an area of research and that, for example, explore care, reflexivity, how we should relate as a community, and forms of (multi-modal) representation. We particularly encourage contributions that experiment with the form and presentation of their scholarly argumentation. Together with all workshop participants we hope to collectively reflect on how we enact spaces, research identities, and care with our academic practices.

The workshop will take place in Vienna from the evening of 31 May to mid-afternoon on 2 June 2023. Accommodations and refreshments will be covered for workshop participants.

Please find the full CfP and all details via this link: are_link If you have any questions regarding the submission or the workshop, please get in touch with

All the best, Esther Dessewffy, Ariadne Avkıran, Constantin Holmer, Bao-Chau Pham, Andrea Schikowitz, Fredy Mora Gámez, Kathleen Gregory, and Sarah Davies

-- Bao-Chau Pham University Assistant (prae doc), Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of Vienna Kolingasse 14-16, 1090 Vienna | +43 1 4277 496 17

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