Eurograd message

Message posted on 05/11/2022

Tenure track position in science and tech policy at KAIST

Dear colleagues, Apologies for cross posting. The Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) is hiring. Please see below! Kind regards, Dasom

The Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy (STP) at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) announces a tenure track position in global science and technology policy. The Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy (STP) at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) announces a tenure track position in global science and technology policy. This is an open rank search, inclusive of scholars trained in any disciplinary and methodological traditions within humanities and social sciences, committed to working across intellectual, geographical, and institutional boundaries, and willing to create and lead a new field. International scholars are highly encouraged to apply. Specialization is open, but we have particular interest in researchers addressing science and technology policy in the context of global challenges and issues. Preference will be given to applicants who combine theoretical and empirical approaches with strong methodological skills. STP plans to strengthen its research capability in these important and promising areas that require multidisciplinary and comparative perspectives. Successful candidates will contribute to efforts to facilitate collaborative scholarship across various departments and programs on campus. The search committee is especially interested in candidates who will contribute to the diversity and excellence of the STP community through their research, teaching and service. Please read our mission statement: Scholars interested in this position are encouraged to contact search committee co-chairs Prof. Scott Gabriel Knowles ( and Prof. Chihyung Jeon ( for more information. Application materials need to be submitted by December 1st, 2022. In order to apply, please send your application materials listed below by email to

Application Package ● Application form, including major research accomplishments, teaching plans, and research plans (KAIST official form) ● Personal information collection and usage agreement (KAIST official form) ● Cover letter with research and teaching statements (PDF) ● Curriculum vitae (with a list of three referees) (PDF) ● One sample publication or writing sample (PDF)

  • Official forms by KAIST (the first two items above) can be downloaded at:
  • Per the Korean government regulation, personal information that may create any bias in the review process should not be included in the application documents, such as the names of degree-granting institutions, the places of origin, physical appearance or condition (no photos allowed), family backgrounds, etc. For inquiries about how to prepare application documents, please contact the STP office

Dasom Lee, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)  Room 1222, N4, KAIST, 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea +82 (0)42 350 4851 // 

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