Message posted on 12/01/2020

EASST 4S Prague: Where is Care? (Un)settling Place, Materialities and Imaginaries in the Making of Healthcare Open Panel 213

Dear all,

We hope you will consider submitting an abstract to our panel at this year’s EASST/4S Meeting in Prague (August 18-21, info @

29 February 2020: Deadline for abstract submission
15 April 2020: Notification of acceptance of all abstracts

Open Panel 213

Where is Care? (Un)settling Place, Materialities and Imaginaries in the Making of Healthcare

Where care is provided has become a prominent policy concern in many nations, as healthcare systems attempt to solve a variety of issues through spatial reorganizations. Siting care within specific spaces, be they urban or rural areas, ‘healing’ gardens or high-tech hospitals promises to improve the efficiency and quality of healthcare provision. However, as geographers, STS scholars, and others have demonstrated, place is not ‘just’ a location on a map; places are imbued with affects such as feelings of (not) belonging and (un)safety, and shape and are shaped by multiple discourses of ‘good care’. It is these interrelations within care places that we wish to explore: we ask what and how materialities and imaginaries of care make and matter (for) the spaces of healthcare and what kinds of (care) places they engender

Building on STS work on place and the placing of care, this panel considers how healthcare spaces and places are (un) settled through preexisting and novel materialities and imaginaries. We seek empirical and theoretical contributions examining how the ‘where’ of care is (discursively, socially, materially) produced and productive of multiple ontologies of caring. We are particularly interested in the processes of place making for care, by which ‘countryside’, ‘city’, ‘region’ and ‘neighborhood’ co-constitute particular ways of doing, organizing and imagining care.

Keywords: care, health, place, imaginaries, materiality

Dara Ivanova, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Iris Wallenburg, Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management
Andrea Ford, University of Chicago
Roland Bal, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Martyn Pickersgill, University of Edinburgh

All the best,
Health Care Governance (HCG)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
T +31 10 408 8555
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