Message posted on 10/05/2018

ask to publish call for papers for Workshop Organized by Research Network 24 – Sociology of Science and Technology Network (SSTNET) of the European Sociological Association and University of Ljubljana

Dear Ladies and Gentlemans,

I'd like to publish on Eurograd the call for papers for SSTNET workshop in
Ljubljana (see text bellow coloured in yellow or in attachment). Thanks in
advance for possibility to publish call for papers (second reminder) on your
e-mail list.
Best regards.
Franc Mali

Call for

Critical engagement vs. technophobia: The risks of
emerging technologies
Workshop Organized by Research Network 24 Sociology of Science and
Technology Network (SSTNET) of the European Sociological Association
(ESA) and University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Social Sciences, Slovenia

Keynote speakers: Prof. Dr. Armin Grunwald and Prof. Dr. Joost van Loon

October 11 12, 2018, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana

The development and proliferation of emerging technologies have a strong
impact on current society. While emerging technologies are found in different
fields from biotechnology and Information and Communication Technologies
(ICTs) to robotics and cognitive technologies they share the capacity to
transform the social world into a world of becoming. Discussions on the
processes through which emerging technologies are developed and disseminated
into current society also contain different kinds of risk assessment,
including issues of social, ethical, environmental and legal implications.
Risk and risk management are thus intimately linked to the proliferation of
emerging technologies. Saying this, critical sociological discussion of
current concepts of risk, risk management and risk governance of emerging
technologies is timely and highly needed. As social scientists, we need to
take the current progression of emerging technologies seriously, not by
dismissing these technologies altogether, but by critically engaging with
their developments and our societal capacities to shape them. During this
two-days workshop, we will engage in different aspects of critical engagement
in relation to emerging technologies. We encourage contributions that focus on
risks with emerging technologies, including issues of social, ethical,
environmental and legal implications. We particularly encourage contributions
on the following topics:
Accounting for the unknown unknowns.
Social governance of emerging technologies.
Precautionary and/or proactive approaches.
The relation between development of emerging technologies and the
development of regulatory frameworks.
Engagement of the lay public and experts in relation to emerging
Risk assessment of emerging technologies in the context of
Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).
Promises, future visions, expectations, imaginaries connected to
the progress of emerging technologies.
Techno-utopianism and techno-dystopianism.
However, potential contributions are not limited to these topics and
contributors are also encouraged to suggest new perspectives within the field
of social sciences.

Key dates:
An abstract of up to 500 words, containing an outline of the paper, including
methodology as well as the expected contribution of the paper, should be
submitted online trough webpage:

June 30, 2018 Deadline for submission
July 16, 2018 Notification of acceptance

Workshop Organizing Committee:
Franc Mali:
Jennie Olofsson:
Harald Rohracher:
Fabienne Crettaz von Roten:
Aaro Mikael Tupasela:
Katarina Prpic:
Ana Delicado:
Anja Kolak:

No fees are charged for participation and no founds are available from the
SSTNET to cover travel and accommodation expenses. Further information about
the workshop venue, accommodation and useful details about the host-city, will
be provided later.

dr. Franc Mali
Redni profesor / Professor

Oddelek in katedra za kulturologijo / Department and chair of Cultural

Fakulteta za drubene vede / Faculty of Social Sciences
Univerza v Ljubljani / University of Ljubljana
Kardeljeva pload 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

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