Eurograd message

Message posted on 18/03/2025

Courses for applied ethnography & design thinking open this spring

                Dear colleagues,

I am writing to say, we opened up 3 courses for this spring. Online, friendly
to most timezones. We hope you will help us spread the word!

Who are we and what are these courses for
Namla is a little cooperation of international freelancers in the Netherlands
who, after our own struggles in shaping careers for ourselves as anthropology
graduates outside of academia, built a course for those who come after us. Our
course mimics a setting you could find in different types of jobs, whether in
business, NGO, government or consultancy. We teach participants how to make
ethnography rapid and iterative, as this is a way many employers and funders
can grasp better what our skills are. Participants experience a process of
‘creating innovation and impact while using your deep nuanced ethnography
skills’. This serves as a super quick, 2 week way of figuring out if this
kind of work would suit you, and thus (whether you love it or hate it) helps
you make your efforts in job or project searching more targeted, and hopefully
more fruitful. And then once you're in that job interview or funding
presentation, you have language for what you can offer, that the people across
from you also understand. In the last 5 years, over 200 people have taken this
course and rated it valuable.

The dates and options
We offer three cohorts this spring:
March 31-April 11: participants (recommended level: last year of Bachelors
studies up to retirement age) will be placed in teams who do a spontaneous
project together. Tickets for this course are on Eventbrite:
April 28-May 9: a special edition for researchers (people in academic career
tracks). To find out what to do next to your part time appointment, how to
attract private funding to supplement the budgets that are being cut, or maybe
you would like to start an NGO after your PhD in the field of your expertise?
This course is organised in collaboration with University of Amsterdam and
Netherlands School for Social Anthropology, and the pricing is higher; its
intended that a university pays for their employee through a professional
development budget of some sort. But reach out, there might be options to
find. Here is the poster & sign up info:
May 19-May 30: same as first, participants will be placed in teams. Tickets
are on eventbrite:

Please recommend these to your students, your colleagues, anyone who is
searching for how to make the most out of their ethnography career dreams!

Rosalie Post
Co-founder • Namla 
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