Message posted on 11/03/2025
Donald MacKenzie online talk: Megamachines That Inhabit Your Phone: The Material Political Economy of Digital Advertising
Dear list subscribers (apologies for cross-posting), Please consider to attend an online talk organised jointly by the Socio-Technical Studies Research Group (SPAIS, University of Bristol, UK) and the Bristol Digital Future Institute (University of Bristol, UK). Megamachines That Inhabit Your Phone: The Material Political Economy of Digital Advertising Prof Donald MacKenzie, Personal Chair in Sociology, University of Edinburgh, UK Globally, up to two trillion near-instantaneous ad auctions take place daily. As that shows, digital advertising operates at ‘megamachine’ scale (to adapt the social critic Lewis Mumford’s notion), with its electricity consumption, for example, leading to substantial carbon emissions. Its megamachines inhabit very large numbers of specific physical machines, often including your phone, and their economic pivot point is your phone’s 32-digit identifier, known in the case of iPhones as its IDFA or Identifier for Advertisers. Drawing on 119 interviews with practitioners of digital advertising, and focussing on an episode of major material disruption (Apple’s blocking of advertisers’ access to IDFAs), this paper will trace the material political economy of digital advertising as it manifests itself in ads on mobile phones. Wednesday, 26 March, 4-5.30pm (UK time) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 931 1263 4900 Passcode: 060199 Dr Sveta Milyaeva Associate Professor in Sociology School of Sociology, Politics, International Studies (SPAIS) University of Bristol 11 Priory Road (2.09) Bristol, BS8 1TU [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of Megamachines That Inhabit Your Phone The Material Political Economy of Digital Advertising.pdf] EASST's Eurograd mailing list -- Archive: Edit your delivery settings there using Account dropdown, Mailman settings. Website: Meet us on Mastodon: Or X: formatted text
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