Eurograd message

Message posted on 05/03/2025

Extended: Job openings in project on zoo-biobanking, University of Klagenfurt, Austria

                Apologies (again) for cross-postings.

This is a short message to let you know that I have extended the opening of
the doctoral position in my FWF-project. I will now accept applications until
the 21st of March. The details:

Job opening (doctoral position)

For the project Banking on zoos for conservation? Towards a multispecies
perspective on conservation research in the EAZA Biobank, funded by the
Austrian Science Fund FWF, I am looking for two colleagues to join me at the
Department of Society, Knowledge and Politics, of
the University of Klagenfurt in Austria. The project will start in May 2025
and run until April 2028.

In this project we will study how the collection and storage of biological
materials from zoo and aquarium animals in the European Association of Zoos
and Aquaria (EAZA) Biobank is expected to contribute to research for the
conservation of endangered species. As a networked facility located at four
European hubs the biobank aims to gather specimens from all species kept in
European zoos and aquaria. This initiative thereby serves such institutions
aims to contribute to preserving endangered species, yet raises questions
about how practices within and organization of the biobank relate to a wider
policy environment of conservation ambitions. To address such questions, the
project will explore the practical, organizational and broader policy layers
of the EAZA Biobank.

For this research on the different layers of the biobank I am looking for:

  *   A doctoral researcher to focus on biobanking practices at individual
zoos, aquaria and hubs

Your responsibilities in the project will include participation in project
work and meetings; planning and conducting empirical research on the EAZA
Biobank; and contributing to the publication and dissemination of project
results. Fieldwork will require travel to relevant international institutions
(incl. zoos, aquaria and intergovernmental organisations) and extended periods
for ethnographic work on-site.

Your qualifications should include a completed MA or PhD degree in science and
technology studies (STS), sociology, anthropology, political science or other
relevant social science disciplines and/or in relevant fields of biological
and environmental sciences. Applicants are expected to have demonstrable
interest in or experience with research on the sociopolitical dimensions of
biodiversity and conservation research. Good knowledge of English in speaking
and writing is required.

The position will be paid according to the Collective Bargaining
Agreement for Austrian universities.

To apply for this doctoral position, please send the following documents to no later than the 21st of March

  *   A motivation letter (max 2 pages), in which you indicate for which
position you apply and how you would see your contribution to the project;
  *   An academic CV (max 3 pages);
  *   An example of your writing (which may be part of your MA-thesis);
  *   Name and contact details of one reference.

In case you would like to know more about the project or the position, feel
free to contact me with any questions you may have at !

Dr. Erik Aarden
Assistant Professor
Department of Society, Knowledge and Politics
Universitt Klagenfurt
Lakeside Park B07 b
Universittsstrae 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wrthersee, Austria
+43 463 2700 6118
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