Eurograd message

Message posted on 24/02/2025

REMINDER Today --- Vital Elements Seminar Series with Pierre Louis du Plessis (Monday 24 February 15:00 - 17:00)

                Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to the second edition of the (hybrid) Vital
Elements Seminar Series. This time with Pierre du Plessis.

In his talk From Shadow Ecologies to Infrastructural Cascades: The emergence
of a beef reserve and its ecological effects, Pierre explores the
social-historical emergence of Botswana as a beef reserve that feeds Europe
and the resultant ecological effects that continue to ripple across Kalahari
Desert landscapes.

Though Pierre will be speaking in Amsterdam (Room B5.12, Common room:
15:00h-17:00h), the event will also be in a hybrid format

All welcome both ways.

For more details see attached flyer.

About the series:

The Vital Elements Seminar Serie, is part of the ERC project Vital Elements,
Postcolonial Moves. The project aims at understanding migrant death in
relation to, and in the context of, sources of life that we call vital
elements. These are materialities that are crucial for life or spur on death
in their absence, think of water, phosphate, salt, oil, seeds, fish or sea
sponges. The project focuses mainly on the south of Tunisia and explores how
these essential resources are connected to major global challenges - not only
migration, but also pollution, environmental crises, climate change and
colonial relations. It brings together researchers from around the world to
discuss these critical issues. The seminar is a space for experimenting and
conversing about these complex questions across worlds. Crucially, given the
nature of these issues the seminar attends to how we know; it attends to our
methods of research. We thus hope to open up conversations about methodology
and epistemology in relation to the issues we study. The Vital Elements
Seminar Series is a moving seminar, travelling between the universities of
Sousse, Gabs, Sfax, Gafsa and Amsterdam. While sessions are mainly in
English, questions can be asked in French or Arabic.


Vital Elements Team

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of Poster_Vital Elements Seminar-24Feb.pdf]
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