Message posted on 17/02/2025
Mixing methods and disciplines in sustainability research
Dear EASST colleagues - please see below and attached for a Call for Book Chapter Proposals. It would be wonderful to have representation from STS in this book project, not least because of its firmly interest in research in the making. Headlines: * Prof. Julia Leventon and Prof. Chris Foulds seek short proposals of chapters (5000 words, including references) for an edited book on integrating methods and disciplines in sustainability research. * We especially welcome interdisciplinary approaches that have a strong lead from the Social Sciences, Humanities and/or Arts. * Proposal deadline: 17 Mar | First drafts likely due: 31 Nov | Chapters likely finalised by: 28 Feb * For pre-submission enquiries, and to submit your proposals, contact and ---------- Call for contributions: chapter proposals for edited book on How to mix methods and disciplines in sustainability research. About the book Our edited book will provide concise, honest guidance on how to mix methods and methodologies to enable thoughtful and impactful sustainability research, with a focus on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches. It will seek to demystify the process of integration by comparing, contrasting, and reflecting on diverse approaches to mixing. Grounded in the lived experiences of the contributing authors, each chapter will illustrate mixing method(ologies) and/or disciplines in action, and draw upon their work in recent sustainability projects - with plenty of examples expected on what should, and should not, be done. We are therefore seeking contributions from authors who are interested in writing about their research design and its implementation. By showcasing real-world applications and fostering transparency, the book will serve as a practical resource for researchers seeking to navigate the complexities of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary sustainability work. Ultimately, it aims to empower and sensitise interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary sustainability researchers, to enhance the relevance and effectiveness of their work in addressing pressing sustainability challenges. Both editors are part of the European Centre of Excellence for Social Sciences & Humanities Research on Climate, Energy and Mobility (SSH CENTRE), and thus the edited book will be showcased and promoted through these channels. Suggested topics for contributions (non-exhaustive) * Case studies of designing and applying mixed methods, mixed methodologies and transdisciplinary research in practice for sustainability research. These can include STEM-SSH collaborations, and SSH-SSH collaborations, as well as those that extend beyond academic disciplines. * Case studies on creating and implementing integration approaches, that pull together knowledge generated through different disciplines, methodologies and/or methods. * Reflections on managing mixed methods projects in sustainability, from individual projects (e.g. PhD) to complex, large-scale projects (e.g. Horizon Europe). About the editors and editorial process Julia Leventon is a Professor of Sustainability Science and leads an interdisciplinary Environmental Social Sciences department in the Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CzechGlobe). She is a transdisciplinary researcher, bridging SSH, STEM and practice perspectives across a range of sustainability challenges, including biodiversity loss, climate change, and social inequities. She coordinates the large-scale EU project PLUS Change, chairs the COST Action TransformERS, and has served as a Coordinating Lead Author to the IPBES Transformative Change Assessment. All these roles have required working across knowledge communities for sustainability. Chris Foulds is Professor of Sustainability & Society, at Anglia Ruskin Universitys Global Sustainability Institute, Cambridge, UK. He is an Environmental Social Scientist, drawing on a range of Critical Social Sciences in researching sustainability interventions. Over the last 8 years, he has co-coordinated four large-scale EU projects (SHAPE ENERGY; Energy-SHIFTS; SSH CENTRE; SHARED GREEN DEAL), which have included a distinct focus on the role of Social Sciences & Humanities and interdisciplinary thinking. To ensure coherence and reflexivity, the editors will provide contributors with a common set of prompts to help the contributing authors explore the ripple effects of their methodological decisions. These prompts will encourage reflection on decisions taken, the challenges encountered, and the impacts to the knowledge produced. There will also be the opportunity for optional meetings with the editors, specifically regarding the overall book vision and to discuss the subsequent peer reviews. To submit your contribution Email both Julia ( and Chris ( with a proposed title, and a short outline (in word document, no more than 1 page) of your proposed contribution. We encourage all proposed titles to begin with How to. Include all co-authors in the details (if applicable). Informal enquiries pre-submission are also welcome. Timeline of the book preparation We are collecting contributions in order to finalise the proposal for the book, and conversations with the publisher are at an advanced stage. These timings are subject to change in agreement with the publishers. * Contribution proposals received by 17th March 2025 * Authors of contributions included in the proposal to be notified by 4th April 2025 * Outline arguments (in provided template) by 31st July 2025 * Feedback, and reflexive questions given to authors by 31st August 2025 * Editors share drafts of introductory chapters by 30th September 2025 * First drafts of contributed chapters (max. 5000 words, including references) received by 30th November 2025 * Comments/reviews received by 31st January 2026 * Revisions received by 28th February 2026 * Final book submission by 31st March 2026 ------------ Prof. Chris Foulds Professor of Sustainability & Society, Global Sustainability Institute (GSI) Anglia Ruskin University, East Road, Cambridge, CB1 1PT, UK. T: (+44) 1223 69 5112 | Twitter | Personal webpage | LinkedIn | GSI Selected projects: SHARED GREEN DEAL | SSH CENTRE | Energy-SHIFTS | SHAPE ENERGY | Energy access & gender equity in the Global South | Energy-PIECES Recent selected publications: The Meso Multiple in energy and climate research: How different Social Sciences treat the in-betweenness between the micro and the macro (Energy Research & Social Science, 2025) Strengthening European Energy Policy: Governance Recommendations From Innovative Interdisciplinary Collaborations (Palgrave Macmillan, 2024) How to be an effective Boundary Spanner between energy policy and energy Social Sciences & Humanities communities (Energy Research & Social Science, 2024) [ARU THE University of the Year 2023 | UK Social Mobility Awards University of the Year 2023 | TEF Gold 2023] -- Please click here to view our e-mail disclaimer [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of Call_MixedMethodsDisciplines.pdf] EASST's Eurograd mailing list -- Archive: Edit your delivery settings there using Account dropdown, Mailman settings. 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