Eurograd message

Message posted on 03/02/2025

Call for contributions, "Temporalities in the Anthropocene", PEC 2025

                Dear all,

We would like to invite abstracts for individual papers or panels for
this years round of our standing section "International Relations in
the Anthropocene" at the European International Studies Association
annual conference, University of Bologna, 25-29 August 2025:

The standing section «IR in the Anthropocene» aims to provide a space
for the multiple engagements of IR scholars with the Anthropocene, to
think through the new forms of political agency, struggle and
governance that we see emerging, but also foster discussions with
other disciplinary perspectives. In particular, we want to encourage
critical discussions of the concept – for example from
decolonial,(queer-)feminist, new materialist and poststructuralist
perspectives – and invite debates about new imaginations to undo and rethink
(anthropocentric) conceptions of modern politics and norms,
government, political agency, justice etc.

This year we particularly seek contributions with a focus on the
multiple dimensions of temporality that characterize international
relations in the Anthropocene.

For further details please find attached our call for contributions
and/or have a look at the EISA section list:

If you would like to propose a roundtable, panel or individual paper,
please don't hesitate to reach out to discuss your ideas or clarify
further questions: Fiona Schrading and
Tom Scheunemann

The EISA deadline for submission is 20 March 2025.

Best wishes,

Fiona and Tom
Fiona Schrading

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Forschungsprojekt
"Waste/Land/Futures: Intergenerational relations in places of  
abandonment and renewal across Europe" (VW)
Tel.: 069/ 798-36414
Mobil: +49 (0)176 70304713

Interdisziplinäre Alternswissenschaft (IAW)
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
Campus Westend PEG 4.G160
60323 Frankfurt am Main

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of Call for Contributions_IR in the Anthropocene.pdf]
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