Eurograd message

Message posted on 09/01/2025

15.1. Call for Panels deadline | Med Anthro Europe Conference 2025, 16.-19.9.25

                Dear colleagues,

the deadline for the call for panels and roundtables for the 2025 Medical
Anthropology Europe Conference is approaching on January 15th.

The MAE Conference 2025 is an international hybrid conference centered around
the theme of Redefinitions of Health and Well-being and takes place at the
University of Vienna, 16-19 September 2025.

In an era defined by global interconnectedness, postcolonial dynamics and
calls for planetary health, the conference aims to foster dialogues within and
beyond the discipline of medical anthropology with other disciplines that
engage in questions of health and well-being, such as environmental studies,
science and technology studies, critical disability studies, gender and
feminist studies as well as critical global health, among others. We invite
anthropological and critical research, aiming to create a space of encounter
for scholars, practitioners and activists alike.

The conference is structured around seven streams: 1. Health and/in Crisis;
2. Health and Environment; 3. Disability and Chronicity; 4. Gender, Sexuality
and Reproduction; 5. Medicine and Technologies; 6. Plural Perspectives on
Health and Healing; and 7. Doing Medical Anthropology

For more information and to apply, see the attachment or visit the
conference’s website:

The deadline for panel and roundtable proposal submission is 15th of January
2025, and the call for paperswill be circulated in March. Feel free to forward
this call to colleagues who might be interested!

The conference is organised by the EASA Medical Anthropology Europe Network
and the Health Matters Research Group at the University of Vienna.

Best wishes,

Luci Mair


Univ.-Ass. Lucia Mair MD MSc

sie/ihr | she/her
Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie | Department of Social and
Cultural Anthropology
Universität Wien | University of Vienna
Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG), B0416
Universitätsstraße 7
1010 Wien | Vienna, Austria


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of MAEC-2025_Call-for-Panels[2][2].pdf"; x-mac-creator="4F50494D"; x-mac-type="50444620]
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