Eurograd message

Message posted on 07/01/2025

New Book (Open Access) - Digital Sovereignty in the BRICS Countries (Cambridge University Press, 2025)

                Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the following new book from Cambridge University
Press, which we hope will be of interest to you. Apologies for

*Book Description: *

*Digital Sovereignty in the BRICS Countries: How the Global South and
Emerging Power Alliances Are Reshaping Digital Governance *(Cambridge
University Press, 2025, Edited by Min Jiang and Luca Belli)

In a world where digital development and policymaking are dominated by
Silicon Valley tech giants, the BRICS countries - Brazil, Russia, India,
China, and South Africa - play an increasingly important role. With forty
percent of the world's population and twenty-five percent of global GDP,
these nations possess vast troves of personal data. Yet, their conceptions,
narratives, and initiatives of digital sovereignty remain understudied.
This volume is the first to explore digital sovereignty from a Global South
perspective and offers a forward-looking take on what a world less
dependent on Silicon Valley might look like. It brings together excellent
analyses of BRICS digital sovereignty issues, from historical imaginaries
to up-to-date conceptualizations, e-payment to smart cities, legal analysis
to geopolitical assessment. By offering neglected perspectives from the
Global South, this book makes important contributions to the digital
sovereignty debate.

*Table of Contents and Downloading Link:*

Free downloading link:

Chapter 1 Introduction by Min Jiang and Luca Belli

"Contesting Digital Sovereignty: Untangling a Complex and Multifaceted

Part I - State-centric Formations of Digital Sovereignty

Chapter 2 by Johannes Thumfart

"Digital Sovereignty in China, Russia, and India: From NWICO to SCO and

Chapter 3 by Wanshu Cong

"The Spatial Expansion of China’s Digital Sovereignty: Extraterritoriality
and Geopolitics"

Chapter 4 by Enrico Calandro

"South African Digital Sovereignty at the Crossroad of Securitization and

Part II - Techno-economic Structurings of Digital Sovereignty

Chapter 5 by Venkatesh Hariharan and Sarayu Natarajan

"Digital Sovereignty and Payments: A Case Study of the National Payments
Corporation of India"

Chapter 6 by Vashishtha Doshi and Henrique Estides Delgado

"Digital Statecraft of Middle Powers: Tech Landscape and Digital
Sovereignty in Brazil and India"

Chapter 7 by Stefano Calzati

"A Modulated Approach to Digital Sovereignty: Exploring Huawei-Led Smart
City Initiatives in South Africa and Italy"

Part III - Grassroots Contestations of Digital Sovereignty

Chapter 8 by Olga Bronnikova, Françoise Daucé, Ksenia Ermoshina, Valéry
Kossov, Benjamin Loveluck, Francesca Musiani, Bella Ostromooukhova, Perrine
Poupin, Anna Zaytseva

"Circumventing the 'Sovereignization' of the Russian Internet. Toward an
Infrastructure-Based Sociology of Digital Sovereignty and Its Resistances
in Russia"

Chapter 9 by Tales Tomaz

"Brazilian Activism in Mastodon: Sovereignty Discourses between
Cyberlibertarianism and State-Centrism"

Chapter 10 Conclusion by Luca Belli and Min Jiang

"Digital Sovereignty in the BRICS: Structuring Self-Determination,
Cybersecurity, and Control"

*Hard Copy Discounts*

In case hard copies are preferred, one can order from and enter the code DSBC2024 upon checkout.
The paperback, after discount, is $33.59 till September 2025.

Francesca Musiani, Ph.D.

Directrice de recherche | Research Professor, CNRS 
Directrice | Director, Centre Internet et Société 
2000 CNRS)
Directrice adjointe | Deputy Director, GDR Internet, IA et Société
 (GDR 2091 CNRS)

I'm also associated with: i3-CSI , MINES ParisTech
 | Internet Governance Lab , American
I co-lead projects: DIGISOV  | TIGre

I help co-editing: Internet Policy Review  |
I'm an advisor for: ISOC France  | ANSSI


I'm here on the Web (FR  | EN
), including my publications.
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