Eurograd message

Message posted on 07/01/2025

New Open Access Book Out - Technological Utopianism and the Idea of Justice

                Dear colleague,

Happy New Year! This is to announce the recent publication of my new book
Technological Utopianism and the Idea of Justice, which is available as an
open access publication.

Abstract This open access book advances a modest defence of technological
utopias. While technological utopianism is not devoid of risks and elitism,
their benefits should not be discounted in an overall assessment. Rather than
rejecting them based on a too narrow definition of utopianism, we must
acknowledge their potential to exceed the individualist vs. collectivist
dichotomy ascribed to traditional utopias. The author argues, with reference
to Rawls idea of the basic structure that technological utopias challenge our
understanding of the scope and location of justice and, thereby, advance the
idea of justice. The book critically reviews the most recent literature in
political philosophy, where utopias are understood as ideal theories of
justice and sides with recent contributions to Utopian Studies, where utopias
potential to estrange from the present and galvanize action are underscored.

In this fascinating book, Martin Sand argues that futuristic visions of
technological utopias can radically alter our perspective on the world,
ourselves, and the role of justice in human life. Throughout the book, Sand
convincingly argues that technological utopias can inspire new conceptions of
justice and forcefully responds to many anti-utopian arguments. A must-read
for anybody interested in the controversial topic of technological utopias!

Sven Nyholm, Professor of the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence at LMU

As in his previous work, Sand manages to redraw the boundaries of the
bourgeoning debate about technological futures by focusing sensibly on justice
issues in this field. He asks us to interpret technological futures as utopias
and considers their potential to improve our understanding of justices scope
and location. Another highly original approach!

Prof Armin Grunwald, Ethics and Philosophy of Technology at the Karlsruhe,
Institute of Technology (KIT) and Head of the Institute for Technology
Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)

Sand makes an intriguing proposal  can technological utopias teach us
anything about the scope and location of justice? While many technological
visionaries will hope so, certainly no one has ever so ambitiously defended
claim before him

Prof. Dr. Vincent Blok, Professor in Philosophy of Technology and
Responsible Innovation (Wageningen University), Professor in Philosophy
of Data Science and AI (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
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