Eurograd message

Message posted on 29/11/2024

ITS 1st Annual Research Workshop 5th & 6th December @ 10am EST

                Apologies for cross-posting

Dear all,

Please find the programme for Institute for Technoscience & Society's (ITS) first Annual Research Workshop posted below. Based at York University, ITS was established in 2022 as a hub of critical and engaged research on the relationship between technoscience and society:

Date: Thursday 5th December and Friday 6th December @ 10am EST onwards.

Location: virtual only, with distinct zoom for each day (see programme or posting below).

We've got a great collection of research talks for you from ITS members sharing their current research. More details of speakers and times in the attached programmed or posting below.

On the 6th December, we also have a fantastic keynote by Vass Bednar and Denise Hearn, who are authors of the recently published book "The Big Fix: How Companies Capture Markets and Harm Canadians” (2-3pm).

Please forward to anyone else in your networks - all welcome!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Kean Birch
Director, Institute for Technoscience & Society



5th December 2024 (all times Eastern Standard Time)
Day 1 Zoom Link:

10.00am           Welcome: Prof. Kean Birch and Prof. Kelly Bergstrom (York University, Canada)

10.15am           Panel 1: Technoscientific Economies (Chair: Prof. Kean Birch, York University)
10.20am           Prof. Antulio Rosales (York University, Canada)
10.50am           Prof. Mahtot Gebresselassie (York University, Canada)
11.20am           Prof. Yousif Hassan (University of Michigan, USA)

12.30pm           Panel 2: Technoscientific Pasts & Presents (Chair: Prof. Anna Agathangelou, York University)
12.35pm           Mishall Lalani (York University, Canada)
1.05pm             Dr. Kim Fernandes (University of Toronto, Canada)
1.35pm             Prof. Elisha Lim (York University, Canada)

2.00pm             End

6th December 2024 (all times Eastern Standard Time)
Day 2 Zoom Link:

10.00am           Welcome: Prof. Kean Birch and Prof. Kelly Bergstrom (York University, Canada)

10.15am           Panel 3: Technoscientific Bodies & Minds (Chair: Prof. Gabi Schaffzin, York University)
10.20am           Prof. Mary Ott (York University, Canada)
10.50am           Prof. Conor Douglas (York University, Canada)
11.20am           Prof. Gabi Schaffzin (York University, Canada)

12.30pm           Panel 4: Technoscientific Injustices (Chair: Prof. Melanie Baljko, York University)
 12.35pm           Yoonmee Han (York University, Canada)
12.45pm           Julianna Kowlessar (York University, Canada)
12.55pm           Prof. Christo El Morr (York University, Canada)
1.25pm             Prof. Rob Gehl (York University, Canada)

2.00pm             Keynote: Vass Bednar & Denise Hearn, authors “The Big Fix: How Companies Capture             Markets and Harm Canadians”

DENISE HEARN is an author, applied researcher, and advisor focused on how economic power and paradigms shape our world. She is a resident senior fellow at the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment at Columbia University, USA, and co-authored The Myth of Capitalism. VASS BEDNAR is the executive director of McMaster University’s Master of Public Policy in Digital Society program. She is a senior fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation and writes the popular newsletter “regs to riches."

3.00pm             End


Kean Birch

Director & Professor, Institute for Technoscience & Society

Ontario Research Chair in Science Policy

Co-Editor, Science as Culture

Series Editor, Technoscience & Society Book Series, University of Toronto Press

Editorial Board Member,  Science, Technology & Human Values; Social Epistemology; Progress in Economic Geography; IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society; Humanities & Social Sciences Communications; OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology; and Digital.

Twitter | Website | LinkedIn

Tel.: (+1) 416-736-2100

Institute for Technoscience & Society | York University

4700 Keele Street Toronto ON, Canada M3J 1P3


Birch, K. (2023) Data Enclaves, London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Scott, S. et al. (eds) (2023) Business and Society: A Critical Introduction (2nd edition), London: Bloomsbury.

Birch, K. & Muniesa, F. (eds) (2020) Assetization: Turning Things into Assets in Technoscientific Capitalism, Cambridge MA: MIT Press. [Open Access]


Birch, K., Komljenovic, J. and Sellar, S. (forthcoming) Architectures of assetization: Legacy infrastructures and the configuration of datafication in higher education, New Media + Society. [Open Access]

Miroshnichenko, A. and Birch, K. (online) Constructing digital assets through blockchain technologies? Unpacking the techno-economic configuration of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), Social Studies of Science. [Open Access]

Komljenovic, J. et al. (online) Digitalised higher education: Key developments, questions, and concerns, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. [Open Access]

Komljenovic, J., Birch, K. and Sellar, S. (online) Monetising digital data in higher education: Analysing the strategies and struggles of EdTech startups, Postdigital Science & Education. [Open Access]

Birch, K., Komljenovic, J. and Sellar, S. (online) Data as asset, data as rent? Rentiership practices in EdTech startups, Learning, Media & Technology. [Open Access]

Komljenovic, J., Sellar, S. and Birch, K. (online) Turning universities into data-powered organisations: Dimensions of change, Higher Education. [Open Access]

Birch, K., Marquis, S. and Silva, G.C. (2024) Understanding data valuation: Valuing Google's data assets, IEEE Transactions on Technology & Society 5(2): 183-190. [Open Access]

Birch, K. and Ward, C. (2024) Assetization and the new asset geographies, Dialogues in Human Geography 14(1): 9-29. [Open Access]

Birch, K. and Ward, C. (2024) Response: Struggling over new asset geographies, Dialogues in Human Geography 14(1): 47-50. [Open Access]

Birch, K. (2024) Assetization as a mode of techno-economic governance: Knowledge, education, and personal data in the UN’s System of National Accounts, Economy & Society 53(1): 15-38. [Open Access]

Amuchastegui, M., Birch, K. and Kaltenbrunner, W. (2023) The intersections between sociology and STS: A Big Data approach, Sociological Perspectives 66(5): 868-887. [Open Access]

Birch, K. (2023) There are no markets anymore: From neoliberalism to Big Tech, State of Power 2023 Report, The Transnational Institute (3 Feb) [Open Access].

Birch, K. and Ward, C. (2023) Introduction: Critical approaches to rentiership, Environment and Planning A 55(6): 1429-1437. [Open Access]

Birch, K. (2023) Reflexive expectations in innovation financing: An analysis of venture capital as a mode of valuation, Social Studies of Science 53(1): 29-48 [Open Access].

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of ITS Research Workshop Programme 5-6 Dec 2024.pdf]
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