Eurograd message

Message posted on 29/11/2024

Doctoral scholarship at the University of Edinburgh

                Please draw this to the attention of potential candidates, Thanks, Robin

On 28 Nov 2024, at 20:48, Gavin Sullivan  wrote:
Dear all

I’m currently looking to recruit a doctoral researcher to work as part of my UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship project, Infra-Legalities: Global Security Infrastructures, AI and International Law which is examining investigating how AI and automated decision-making processes are reshaping global security law and governance. The advertisement is now online and available here. The application window closes on 15 February 2025. The successful applicant will be awarded a scholarship that includes a stipend for three years and that covers tuition fees. There is also additional funding included for fieldwork costs. They will be part of an exciting research team with myself and two postdocs, that I’ll be recruiting for shortly.

There are three workstreams in the project (i) digital border infrastructures (ii) platform security infrastructures; and (iii) counterterrorism watchlisting infrastructures. The PhD researcher is expected to work in one of these areas, commencing in the academic year 2025/2026. Applicants may come from a range of disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary backgrounds (including STS, Critical Data Studies, Critical Security Studies etc). A background in law is desirable, but not essential. The scholarship is open to UK, EU and international applicants, but the successful candidate will need to be based in Edinburgh. Candidates likely to be underrepresented at the University of Edinburgh are strongly encouraged to apply.

I would be grateful if you could circulate this call amongst your networks and share it with any potential applicants you may know. I would be happy to discuss the role informally or answer any questions for anyone who is interested, so please do encourage potential applicants to reach out.



Dr. Gavin Sullivan

Reader in International Human Rights Law
Edinburgh Law School, University of Edinburgh
UKRI Future Leaders Fellow (2021 – 2028)

Global Security Infrastructures
Artificial Intelligence &
International Law


Latest Book: The Law of the List:
UN Counterterrorism Sanctions and the Politics of Global Security Law (Cambridge University Press, 2020).


From: Robin Williams 
Date: Thursday 28 November 2024 at 6:28 PM
To: James Stewart 
Cc: Gavin Sullivan 
Subject: Re: STS/CDS job notices

The UK Association for Studies of Innovation, Science and %echnology
Eurograd  )European Association for Studies of Science and Technology - postgrad page

I can report to both if you want


On 28 Nov 2024, at 16:52, James Stewart  wrote:

From: Gavin Sullivan 
Date: Thursday, 28 November 2024 at 16:02
To: James Stewart , Morgan Currie , Karen Gregory , Alex Taylor , Ben Collier 
Subject: STS/CDS job notices
Dear all

I’m hoping to send the call for the PhD scholarship and opportunity to join my research team as widely as possible. If you have particular suggestions of particular forums or mailing lists where STS/CDS fellowships and postdocs are usually circulated, I’d be grateful if you could let me know.



Dr. Gavin Sullivan

Reader in International Human Rights Law
Edinburgh Law School, University of Edinburgh
UKRI Future Leaders Fellow (2021 – 2028)

Global Security Infrastructures
Artificial Intelligence &
International Law

Latest Book:The Law of the List:
UN Counterterrorism Sanctions and the Politics of Global Security Law (Cambridge University Press, 2020).

Professor Robin Williams
Director, Institute for the Study of Science, Technology and Innovation
Science, Technology and Innovation Studies Subject Group,
School of Social and Political Sciences
The University of Edinburgh
Old Surgeon's Hall
Edinburgh EH1 1LZ
Mobile: 07925-372184
Robin Williams, Stuart Anderson, Kathrin Cresswell, Mari Serine Kannelønning, Hajar Mozaffar, Xiao Yang (2024), Domesticating AI in medical diagnosis, Technology in Society
Jee-Hyun Suh & Robin Williams (2023) The complex temporal dynamics of an emerging infrastructure innovation: revisiting the ‘failure’ of the ‘successful’ innovation of Wireless Broadband (WiBro) in South Korea,  Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
Gilbert S, Anderson S, Daumer M, Li P,Melvin T, Williams R (2023) Learning From Experience and Finding the Right Balance in the Governance of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health Technologies J Med Internet Res
Neil Pollock, Robin Williams, Luciana D'Adderio (2022), Figuring out IT markets: How and why industry analysts launch, adjust and abandon categories, Information and Organization,
Philip Inglesant, Carolyn Ten Holter, Marina Jirotka & Robin Williams (2021): Asleep at the wheel? Responsible Innovation in quantum computing, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management,
Robin Williams, Kathrin Cresswell et al. (2021) Using Blueprints to promote interorganizational knowledge transfer in digital health initiatives, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
Kai Wang, Xiaobai Shen & Robin Williams (2020) Sequencing BGI: the evolution of expertise and research organisation in the world’s leading gene sequencing facility, New Genetics and Society
Sampa Hyysalo, Neil Pollock and Robin Williams (2019) Method Matters in the Social Study of Technology: Investigating the Biographies of Artifacts and Practices, Science & Technology Studies

Professor Robin Williams
Director, Institute for the Study of Science, Technology and Innovation
Science, Technology and Innovation Studies Subject Group,
School of Social and Political Sciences
The University of Edinburgh
Old Surgeon's Hall
Edinburgh EH1 1LZ
Mobile: 07925-372184
Robin Williams, Stuart Anderson, Kathrin Cresswell, Mari Serine Kannelønning, Hajar Mozaffar, Xiao Yang (2024), Domesticating AI in medical diagnosis, Technology in Society
Jee-Hyun Suh & Robin Williams (2023) The complex temporal dynamics of an emerging infrastructure innovation: revisiting the ‘failure’ of the ‘successful’ innovation of Wireless Broadband (WiBro) in South Korea,  Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
Gilbert S, Anderson S, Daumer M, Li P,Melvin T, Williams R (2023) Learning From Experience and Finding the Right Balance in the Governance of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health Technologies J Med Internet Res
Neil Pollock, Robin Williams, Luciana D'Adderio (2022), Figuring out IT markets: How and why industry analysts launch, adjust and abandon categories, Information and Organization,
Philip Inglesant, Carolyn Ten Holter, Marina Jirotka & Robin Williams (2021): Asleep at the wheel? Responsible Innovation in quantum computing, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management,
Robin Williams, Kathrin Cresswell et al. (2021) Using Blueprints to promote interorganizational knowledge transfer in digital health initiatives, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
Kai Wang, Xiaobai Shen & Robin Williams (2020) Sequencing BGI: the evolution of expertise and research organisation in the world’s leading gene sequencing facility, New Genetics and Society
Sampa Hyysalo, Neil Pollock and Robin Williams (2019) Method Matters in the Social Study of Technology: Investigating the Biographies of Artifacts and Practices, Science & Technology Studies

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th’ ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.
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