Eurograd message

Message posted on 22/11/2024

TATuP CfA 34/3 (2025): In search of deeply sustainable technologies: Beyond extractivism, exploitation and exclusion (Out of Office)

                Guten Tag,

Vielen Dank fr Ihre Nachricht. Ich befinde mich bis einschlielich 21.11.2024 auer Haus. Ihre Email wird in diesem Zeitraum nicht gelesen. Nach meiner Rckkehr bemhe ich mich um schnellstmgliche Beantwortung.  

Herzliche Gre
Valerie Varney

Dear all,

Thank you for your email. I am out of office on November 21st, 2024. I will make sure to take care of your request as soon as possible after my return. 

Kind regards,
Valerie Varney

Prof. Dr. Valerie Varney

Fakultt fr Anlagen, Energie- und Maschinensysteme 

Technische Hochschule Kln / Cologne University of Applied Science
Campus Deutz
Betzdorfer Str. 2
50679 Kln
Raum: HO 2.29
Tel: +49 221 8275 4144

>>> TATuP Redaktion via Eurograd  11/21/24 10:42 >>>

Dear list members,


please find our Call for Abstracts in TATuP - Journal for Technology
Assessment in Theory and Practice attached on 


"In search of deeply sustainable technologies: Beyond extractivism,
exploitation and exclusion".


TATuP Special topic in issue 34/3 (2025),

submit your abstract by 10 January 2025.

Please read the complete
(PDF) here.

Guest editors of this TATuP Special topic:

*	Karen Kastenhofer, Dr., Institute of Technology Assessment, Austrian
Academy of Sciences, Vienna, AT,,
*	Astrid Schwarz, Prof. Dr., Chair of Technoscience Studies,
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Cottbus, DE,,
*	Andrea Vetter, Dr., Chair of Sociology of Technology and the
Environment, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg,
Cottbus, DE,,
*	Krishna Ravi Srinivas, Dr., Nalsar University of Law, Hyderabad;
Research and Information System for Developing Countries, New Delhi, IN,,

Best regards

TATuP editorial office


TATuP - Journal for Technology Assessment in Theory and Practice
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis


Karlstr. 11

76133 Karlsruhe, Germany 

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