Eurograd message

Message posted on 12/10/2024

CfP: "Feminist Diffractions for Critical Transformations in Science & Technology Studies" Open Panel at STS HUB 25 - Diffracting the Critical. DEADLINE 31 OCTOBER 2024

                Dear colleagues,

we invite for contributions for the following Open Panel at STS-Hub 2025 
in Berlin, 11-14 March 2025:

*Feminist Diffractions for Critical Transformations in Science & 
Technology Studies

Feminist Science & Technology Studies (Feminist STS) have grown to a 
vibrant, constantly evolving and differentiated research field that 
provides a wealth of insights into how the critical in STS can be 
developed further. As part of Feminist STS, concepts of situatedness 
(Haraway 1988) and diffraction (Barad 2003) as research practices 
embrace the critical. Feminist STS scholars in German contexts pursued 
these approaches to develop self-reflexive research that investigates 
social inequalities, capitalist, imperialist and neo-colonial practices 
in science & technology. To name a few, Bath et al. (2017) suggests 
response-ability for critical STS, Ernst (2017) argues for emancipatory 
interferences in engineering, Erlemann (2024) develops re-figurations of 
epistemic practices to diffract the critical and Schmitz, Papenburg & 
Lucht (2023) identify meeting points of Feminist STS with Postcolonial 
Studies. In this open panel, we aim to foster dialogues among scholars 
who work on interventions into science and technology from Feminist STS 
perspectives. We invite contributions that address societal challenges 
that are engrained in the techno-sciences and that discuss whether and 
to what end science & technology can be transformed through integrating 
feminist paradigms into STS research including intersectional, 
postcolonial, de-colonial, post-humanist and queer research perspectives 
as well as participatory and/or experimental approaches.

Convenors: Martina Erlemann (Freie Universität Berlin) and Petra Lucht 
(Technische Universität Berlin)
* *Deadline* for submissions of abstracts: *31 October 2024.*

The maximum length for abstracts is 200 words, and please add a short 
biography of 75 words for each author.

Please send you abstract to:

More information on the STSHub 2025 "Diffracting the Critical":

Looking looking forward to your contributions!

Best wishes,
Martina Erlemann and Petra Lucht

Prof. Dr. Martina Erlemann
Research Group of Gender & Science Studies in Physics
Dept. of Physics
Freie Universität Berlin
Room 0.4.01
Arnimallee 14
D-14195 Berlin
Tel.: +49-30-838 66255

I can be addressed as she/her.
You are welcome to let me know how you would like to be addressed.

NEU erschienen:
Sarah Huch, Martina Erlemann (Hrsg.):
Gender & Diversity Studies in MINT meets Naturwissenschaftsdidaktik:
Synergien und Impulse für eine gender- & diversitätssensible Forschung und Lehre der Naturwissenschaften

Springer Verlag 2024
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