Eurograd message

Message posted on 11/10/2024

Call for Abstracts: Workshop 'Hostility by Design', due 8 January 2025

I am pleased to announce that I am organising a workshop, to be held in
Maastricht on 12-13 June 2025. Abstracts are due on 8 January 2025. Full
details in the attached. The workshop is supported by the Maastricht
University Science, Technology and Society
(MUSTS) research
programme and by the Department of Society
Studies, both in the Faculty of
Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS).
In recent years, perhaps stimulated by the growing awareness of the power of
digital technologies, there have been calls for engineers and designers to
advance values by design, such as democracy, participation, privacy and
transparency. This builds on earlier inclusive design and access-for-all
initiatives. But not all encounters with technologies are fulfilling, and some
are designed to exclude or harm people, animals and nature. This workshop
focuses on those technologies that could be described as hostile or
exclusionary by design.

Sally Wyatt
Professor of Digital Cultures
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS), Maastricht University
PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands

Recent publications
Lysen, F., & Wyatt, S. (2024). Refusing participation: hesitations about
designing responsible patient engagement with artificial intelligence in
healthcare. Journal of
Responsible Innovation, 11(1).

Richterich, A., & Wyatt, S. (2024). Feminist automation: Can bots have
feminist politics? New Media &
Society, 26(9), 4973-4991.

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of CfP Hostility by Design 12-13 June 2025.pdf]
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