Eurograd message

Message posted on 17/09/2024

Call for Abstracts: Open Panel on "Valuing Sustainability in Technoscientific Capitalism" at STS Hub 2025

                Dear colleagues,

I am excited to announce that Tanja Schneider (DTU Copenhagen) and I will
be co-hosting an open panel titled *"Valuing Sustainability in
Technoscientific Capitalism"* at the upcoming *STS Hub 2025 - Diffracting
the Critical*, which will take place from March 11-14, 2025, in Berlin ( We would like to invite you to contribute to this
panel by submitting an abstract for consideration.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is 31 October 2024 and abstracts
should be no longer than 200 words. Please also include a short bio of 75
words with your abstract. If you would like to submit an abstract or have
any questions, please contact Cornelius Heimstädt at

Below, you'll find the full panel description, which outlines the theme we
aim to explore. We look forward to receiving your contributions and hope to
see many of you involved in what promises to be an engaging and insightful

Best regards,
Cornelius Heimstädt & Tanja Schneider

*Panel abstract: *The concept of sustainability is ubiquitous in
contemporary economies, yet actors invoke it to describe a wide range of
practices and processes—often with divergent, sometimes contradictory,
implications. An electric car manufacturer may call his new factory
sustainable, despite it being constructed in a water conservation area. A
start-up helping polluting industries (e.g. petrochemical, meat, aviation)
oAset carbon emissions may do so in the name of sustainability. Meanwhile,
an organic farmer may cite sustainability to explain the elevated price of
her carrots. Inspired by, but not identical to, debates on the valuation of
nature (e.g. Fourcade, 2011; Fairbairn, 2021; Asdal & Huse, 2023), this
panel invites researchers to investigate the many ways in which
sustainability is valued in technoscientific capitalism. The valuation
practices (see Helgesson & Muniesa, 2013) we encourage exploring are
diverse and may encompass, but are not limited to, re-defining,
operationalizing, quantifying, pricing, and contesting sustainability. By
analyzing these practices across diAerent industries, our panel aims for a
transversal diAraction of the “economized” (Çalışkan & Callon, 2009)
sustainability discourses shaping the present—perhaps starting with, but
going beyond, the critical reflex of “debunking” (Latour, 2004) them as
mere instances of ‘greenwashing’ or similar.

Dr. Cornelius Heimstädt
Post-Doctoral Researcher at BioMaterialities
Agricultural and Food Policy Group
Thaer-Institute, Faculty of Life Sciences
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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