Eurograd message

Message posted on 28/08/2024

Call for applications for 18 doctoral positions (100%/75%) in the Research Unit “Communicative AI: The automation of societal communication”

                Call for applications for 18 doctoral positions in the research unit: 
“Communicative AI: The automation of societal communication” (FOR 5656)

How is societal communication evolving with the profound transformation of the digital media environment through communicative artificial intelligence? What consequences, risks, and opportunities arise from the widespread use of this new technology across various social domains? 

The "Communicative AI" (ComAI) research unit, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), will begin exploring these questions from the perspectives of media and communication studies, sociology, science and technology studies, computer science, and law, starting in early 2025.

The participating research institutions have announced a total of 18 research assistant positions (job scope: DFG 100%, FWF 75%) with the aim of pursuing a doctorate over a four-year period. The specific job advertisements related to this project can be found on the research unit's website ( Additional information on the working environment and the benefits of completing a doctorate within the research unit is also available on the website.

The application deadline is September 27, 2024.

Overview of the research projects in the research unit:

P1 | Pioneer Communities: Imagining ComAI and its possible futures (2 vacancies DFG)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp
ZeMKI, University of Bremen, Germany

P2 | Interfaces: Implementing user-centered ComAI (2 vacancies DFG)
Prof. Dr. Rainer Malaka
TZI, University of Bremen, Germany

P3 | Law: The Juridification of ComAI (2 vacancies DFG)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schulz
Leibniz Institute for Media Research | HBI, Germany

P4 | Governance: Private ordering of ComAI through corporate communication and policies (2 vacancies DFG)
Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach
ZeMKI, University of Bremen, Germany

P5 | Journalism: Automating the news and journalistic autonomy (2 vacancies DFG)
Prof. Dr. Wiebke Loosen
Leibniz Institute for Media Research | HBI, Germany

P6 | Political discourse: ComAI and deliberative quality (1 vacancy DFG)
Prof. Dr. Cornelius Puschmann
ZeMKI, University of Bremen, Germany
Dr. Gregor Wiedemann
Leibniz Institute for Media Research | HBI, Germany

P7 | Personal sphere: Companionship and ComAI (2 vacancies FWF)
Prof. Dr. Michaela Pfadenhauer
Institute for Sociology, University of Wien, Austria

P8 | Health: Caring through ComAI (2 vacancies FWF)
Prof. Dr. Juliane Jarke
BANDAS-Center, University of Graz, Austria

P9 | Education: ComAI for learning and teaching (2 vacancies DFG)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter
ZeMKI, University of Bremen / Institute for Information Management Bremen, Germany

CP | ComAI Research Space (1 vacancy DFG)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp ZeMKI, University of Bremen, Germany 


Website of the Research Unit 5656 “Communicative AI”:

University of Bremen
ZeMKI, Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research
ZeMKI, Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research
Leibniz-Institute for Media Research | Hans Bredow Institute
Institute for Information Management Bremen University of Bremen TZI, Center for Computing Technologies University of Graz BANDAS-Center University of Vienna Institute for Sociology _______________________________________________ EASST's Eurograd mailing list Eurograd (at) Unsubscribe or edit subscription options: Meet us via Report abuses of this list to
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