Eurograd message

Message posted on 16/08/2024

Save the Dates: ITS Seminar Series 2024/2025

                Please circulate widely and apologies for any cross posting.

Save the Dates for the Institute for Technoscience and Society Seminar

See poster attached. Zoom links and room locations to follow.

October 9 @ 11am EDT: Koray Caliskan from the Parsons School of Design, The
New School, New York, United States will be presenting in person at York
University's Keele Campus.

November 6 @ 10:30am EDT: Barbara Prainsack from the Center for the Study of
Contemporary Solidarity, University of Vienne, Austria via Zoom.

Jan 29 @ 11am EDT: Kristin Asdal from the TIK Center for Technology Innovation
and Culture, University of Oslo, Norway via Zoom.

February 12 @ 11:00am EDT: Fabian Muniesa from the Centre de Sociologie de
l'Innovation, Mines Paris, France via Zoom

March 26 @ 11:00am EDT: Cecilia Rikap from the Institute for Innovation and
Public Purpose, UCL, United Kingdom via Zoom

Email with any questions or concerns.

Dayna Jeffrey

Dayna L. Jeffrey (She/Her)
PhD Candidate   Science & Technology Studies
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies

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