Message posted on 28/05/2024
FINAL REMINDER : 31 May 2024 deadline for abstracts for 7th Innovation in Information Infrastructures (III) Workshop (16th - 18th September 2024 ESADE Barcelona)
Reminder; the call for Abstracts for the 7th Innovation in Information Infrastructures (III) Workshop (16-18 September 2024 ESADE Barcelona) closes on 31st May 2024 On 18 Dec 2023, at 11:05, Robin Williams wrote: [banner.png] CALL FOR PAPERS 7th Innovation in Information Infrastructures (III) Workshop 16th - 18th September 2024 ESADE Barcelona We invite abstracts for the 7th Innovation in Information Infrastructures (III) workshop. The III workshops have their roots in the 1990s in a convergence of interests amongst European and US researchers investigating the growth and increasing salience of enduring complex information technology assemblages that could not be adequately captured by prevalent terminologies of information systems. Such information infrastructures (sometimes termed cyber-infrastructures and knowledge infrastructures) shared some common features (Star and Ruhleder 1996)–erected over an extended period upon an installed base of information practices and technological components. Scholars from cognate traditions within science, technology and innovation studies, information systems, and organization studies came together, united by a concern to critically engage with these developments. This led to a successful series of informal research workshops, which culminated in a number of journal special editions.i The history of these events can be found here.ii The 7th III workshop builds on that early productive engagement and its distinctive analytical style: fiercely empirical; conceptually dynamic with a focus on mid-range theory; paying detailed attention to the material; engaging with both immediate and broader, longer-term developments; concerned with how things might be done otherwise; interested in power, structure and agency. Our interest in the forms of social order created and/or maintained through information infrastructures, prompted by the societal embedding of information infrastructures, their operation, and outcomes, is carried forward by our partnership with a sister community addressing Governance by Infrastructure.iii The 6th III workshop (University of Surrey, September 2019) had a very specific focus on the critical relationship between Platform Ecosystems and Information Infrastructures. III 2024 will relaunch our interdisciplinary research community after an extended break resulting from the covid pandemic. We invite papers that engage with contemporary developments in a world of rapidly changing and increasing pervasive information infrastructures and systems integrated into routine, widely shared services. We are seeking to promote analytic work that mobilises and resonates with the broad III approach outlined above in novel, interesting ways to empirically explore the landscape and manifestations of evolving digitalization in society. However, we are not seeking to reify any particular 'school' of infrastructure studies. Our ambition is accordingly inclusive: to recruit all scholars who may be interested in building upon and extending this productive tradition. Workshop themes and indicative topics We call for contributions related, but not limited to, the following themes – illustrated by a non-exclusive sample of indicative topics: 1. Governance of/by Information Infrastructures: Mechanisms of governance in Information Infrastructures Expertise, epistemologies and public participation Information infrastructuring and governance of modernist institutions 2. Addressing Societal Challenges through Information Infrastructures: Climate infrastructures and infrastructuring climate Infrastructuring healthcare Ageing in an infrastructural world 3. Approaches to Data & AI Informed by Information Infrastructure Perspectives: Infrastructure perspectives on AI/data/datafication Information infrastructures perspectives for understanding the epistemic contribution of AI Instruments as an agenda to bring back materiality to data studies. 4. Infrastructuring of Platforms, Platformisation of Infrastructures: Strategies for Architecting information infrastructures Orchestration, governance and strategy in data-intensive digital ecosystems Digital/data platforms: III insights that conventional platform ecosystem literature easily misses? 5. Concepts and Methodologies Relevant to Infrastructure-Informed Studies: What methodological implications follow from adhering to infrastructure perspectives analytically? Embedded approaches to studying information infrastructures - Fieldwork by Field Actors Infrastructured pedagogies Organisation of the workshop Submission timetable Submission process opened: 1st February 2024 Deadline for submission of abstracts: 31st May 2024 Notification of acceptance of abstracts 30th June 2024 Deadline for authors of accepted abstracts to confirm participation: 31st July 2024 Final programme available: 12th August 2024 Conference registration 1st September 2024 Workshop: 16th-18th September 2024 Details of the Scientific and Organising Committee memberships are available and other arrangements are detailed on the conference website Submission guidelines We invite participants to submit 500-word abstracts of their proposed contribution. Accepted authors will be invited to produce papers. Full research papers (e.g., 7000 words; 10K maximum) may form the basis for a journal special edition though we will also welcome shorter (e.g. 3000 word work-in-progress) papers. Submission and registration will be via the workshop website : We hope contributors may be willing to assist with the review process. Venue The workshop will take place at Esade in Barcelona Campus (Av. d'Esplugues, 92-96, 08034 Barcelona) Costs There will be no conference fee. Participants will pay €90 on arrival to cover refreshments (coffee, lunches) over the 2½ days. To keep costs down we have not organised a conference banquet but will be reserving self-paying places in local restaurants. Contact For any enquiries, use ______________________ i Paul N. Edwards, Geoffrey C. Bowker, Steven J. Jackson, and Robin Williams (eds) (2009) ‘e-infrastructures’, Special Issue of the Journal of the Association for Information Systems, (Vol. 10, Issue 5) Monteiro, E., Pollock, N. and Williams, R. (eds) (2014), ‘Innovation in Information Infrastructures’, Special Issue of the Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Volume 15, Special Issue, pp. Issue 4 and 5, April/May 2014. ii iii Professor Robin Williams Director, Institute for the Study of Science, Technology and Innovation Science, Technology and Innovation Studies Subject Group, School of Social and Political Sciences The University of Edinburgh Old Surgeon's Hall Edinburgh EH1 1LZ Tel: +44 131 650 6387 Mobile: 07925-372184 email: —————————————————— SOME RECENT PAPERS Jee-Hyun Suh & Robin Williams (2023) The complex temporal dynamics of an emerging infrastructure innovation: revisiting the ‘failure’ of the ‘successful’ innovation of Wireless Broadband (WiBro) in South Korea, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management Gilbert S, Anderson S, Daumer M, Li P,Melvin T, Williams R (2023) Learning From Experience and Finding the Right Balance in the Governance of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health Technologies J Med Internet Res;25 Neil Pollock, Robin Williams, Luciana D'Adderio (2022), Figuring out IT markets: How and why industry analysts launch, adjust and abandon categories, Information and Organization, 32(1) Philip Inglesant, Carolyn Ten Holter, Marina Jirotka & Robin Williams (2021): Asleep at the wheel? Responsible Innovation in quantum computing, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Kathrin Cresswell, Aziz Sheikh and Robin Williams (2021) Accelerating health information technology capabilities across England's National Health Service, The Lancet Digital Health Robin Williams, Kathrin Cresswell et al. (2021) Using Blueprints to promote interorganizational knowledge transfer in digital health initiatives, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Kai Wang, Xiaobai Shen & Robin Williams (2020) Sequencing BGI: the evolution of expertise and research organisation in the world’s leading gene sequencing facility, New Genetics and Society Sampa Hyysalo, Neil Pollock and Robin Williams (2019) Method Matters in the Social Study of Technology: Investigating the Biographies of Artifacts and Practices, Science and Technology Studies The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th’ ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336. _______________________________________________ EASST's Eurograd mailing list Eurograd (at) Unsubscribe or edit subscription options: Meet us via Report abuses of this list to Eurograd-owner@lists.easst.netview formatted text
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