Eurograd message

Message posted on 21/05/2024

PhD Position at STS Vienna – application deadline 30 May 2024

                **** sorry for cross-posting ****

Dear all,

We are looking for a PhD student passionate about environmental topics 
who take up *a 3 year position *at the Department of Science and 
Technology Studies, University of Vienna  
(a 30 hour per week prae-doc university assistant, in the Austrian 
system) with the possibility of a prolongation of a year beyond the 
three years. You will join a team of PhD students and a post-doc 
collaboratively in the framework of the ERC project /Innovation 
Residues/( You will be supervised by 
Ulrike Felt 
who is the PI of the project.

Your planned PhD research should focus on environmental issues related 
to one of the technological innovations as addressed in the ERC grant 
Innovation Residues specifically relating to environmental challenges in 
either nuclear waste, microplastic or digital waste/wasting, and be 
empirically situated in (one or more of) the three countries (France, 
Ireland and Austria) central to the project or on the European 
level.**Ideal start date would be 1 July*2024. Y*ou must have a 
completed Masters degree by the starting date.

The deadline for applications has been prolongued until*30 May 2024. *If 
you have difficulties meeting these dates please do get in touch.

The successful candidate will work on a PhD dissertation closely 
connected to the others in the team, participate in research and 
organsiational activities of the group and department as well as in 
teaching in STS (in years 2 and 3 of the contract). *For further details 
see the full job advertisement 
which also explains how to apply.

You will find a very collegial and supportive research culture, a lively 
and very internationally oriented STS environment, and a commitment to 
supervision that helps you realise your individual research while also 
experiencing to work in the team. Please feel free to contact me with 
any informal enquiries.

Please do share this job announcement to any colleagues or students who 
may be interested in working with our team!




Univ-Prof. Dr. Ulrike Felt

Head of the Department of Science and Technology Studies

University of Vienna

1010, Universitätsstrasse 7 & 1090, Kolingasse 14-16


Phone: +43 1 4277 49611 (admin 49601); twitter:@Ulrike_Felt


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