Eurograd message

Message posted on 26/04/2024

Reminder: 1 day left for grants to NSU/Cybioses, Speculative Technologies

                Tomorrow(the 25th of april) is the deadline of our grant program. Please
sendus a short declaration of interest if you would like to be therecipient of
a grant during the NSU summer session in Denmark(29th july / 5th of august).

Grants are meant for those who do not have institutional support and whose
participation depends on the need for a contribution. If you'd like to be
eligible for a grant, your name and a general idea of your contribution has to
be known to us by the 25   th of April. You will still pay 175 euros for a
bed in a twin room. Food, however, is included for the entire duration of the
summer session.

write an email to and State that 1)
you want to be eligible for a grant and 2) a short reasoning about  your
contribution and 3) why you should be given the grant.

Finally,this is the expression of interest, which will be decided upon by the
organization as a whole. Complete abstracts can be submitted later (deadline
25thof may), as explained on our website. Moreinformation below this message
(the call) and

letme know if there are any questions,


    On Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 11:27:05 PM GMT+2, Eric Deibel

 Speculative Technologies and Future Frictions, NSU Summer session
Date and location: 29 July – 5 August 2024
Location:Løgumkloster, Denmark, Southern Jutland. Our summer session is
hosted by a Folk High School/ community college (Höjskole).

Deadline to apply for grants 25 April 2024, Deadline for abstracts 25 May
2024. The symposium is partly funded by Nordplus.

As part of the study circle/symposium series Cybioses – life in the future
imperfect, organized as part of the Nordic Summer University (NSU) we are
pleased to announce a call for abstracts and artistic submissions for our
symposium onSpeculative Technologies and Future Frictions. Please click the
link for more


We welcome proposals that engage with, and discuss, the following areas (of
speculation and friction):

creativity in art and theory (speculative agency)

matters of fact and post-truth (speculative news, information and facts)

nature, climate and life (speculation and on life as a technology)

finance, assets, tech and political economy (economics and speculation)

The circulation, exchange and mediation of data, the digital and AI (data

Speculation in law, governance and society (human friction and ir/responsible

Other related topics are welcome, with the fit referring to the diversity of
contributors that we explicitly aim for – scholars, artists, students,
technologists, other professionals and engaged participants. Experimental
approaches to presenting and collaborating are encouraged. There will be space
for installations and performances.

Feel free to contact us if you are wondering how you would fit in and please
send a short motivation letter and bio to  and
palle@chalmers. For information about grants, abstract submission and the
background writing that details the topics of the conference, please visit our

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Circle 2: Cybioses – life in the future imperfect – Nordic Summer




Palle Dahlstedt,Professor of Interaction Design, Dept. of Computer Science and
Engineering, University of Gothenburg / Chalmers University of Technology

Eric Deibel,PhD, Researcher with ADAPT centre on AI & lecturer at the
Sociology Department of Maynooth University, Ireland

Maru Mushtrieva,Researcher and text and sound artist with a background in
literature and based between Berlin and Brussels.
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