Eurograd message

Message posted on 15/04/2024

PhD Studentship: Forming Futures

                [image: PhD studentship copy.jpg]

Birmingham City University is currently accepting applications for 20 fully
funded PhD studentships through its inaugural Vice Chancellor’s scheme
Among them is an opportunity for the following project:

‘*Forming Futures: exploring historic and contemporary forms of state
science fiction and anticipation through creative practice*’

Supervisors: Dr. Theo Reeves-Evison, Prof. Becky Shaw and Prof. Peter

More details on the research questions, anticipated findings and
application process can be found here


The successful applicant will be part of a thriving postgraduate community
at BCU and financially supported through a fee waiver and a tax free
stipend payable the same rate as UK Research Council funded studentships
(£19,237 a year for 2024/25) for up to 42 months full time.

The opportunity is open to national and international students and has an
emphasis on practice-based research. Applications are therefore welcome
from those wishing to develop their creative practice in the context of a
doctoral research project.

*Deadline for applications: 30th April 2024*

Online Q&A sessions bookable through the BCU website

Tuesday 16 April and 23 April 2024 (both 10-11am BST)
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