Eurograd message

Message posted on 15/04/2024

Reminder: TATuP: CfA 34/1 (2025): "Practices and concepts of 'care' in sustainability transformations"

                TATuP - Journal for Technology Assessment in Theory and Practice is the
international, Scopus listed and peer reviewed open access journal for the
interdisciplinary field of technology assessment and neighboring fields of

Call for Abstracts for Special topic 34/1 (2025):

" Practices and concepts of 'care' in sustainability transformations.
Critical perspectives in technology assessment".

Please read the complete CfA online.

Deadline for submitting your abstract: 29/04/2024.

Special topic editors:

*	Sarah Hackfort, Dr., Faculty of Life Sciences, Humboldt-Universitt
zu Berlin (DE)
*	Julia-Lena Reinermann, Dr., Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences,
FernUniversitt Hagen (DE)
*	Daniela Gottschlich, Prof. Dr., Hochschule fr
Gesellschaftsgestaltung, Koblenz (DE)


TATuP - Zeitschrift fr Technikfolgenabschtzung in Theorie und Praxis
Institut fr Technikfolgenabschtzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS)

Karlsruher Institut fr Technologie (KIT)

Karlstr. 11

76133 Karlsruhe, Germany 

(   +49 721 608-26014

7 +49 721 608-24806

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