Eurograd message

Message posted on 13/04/2024

Athena VU Amsterdam is hiring: Three career track (to tenured) assistant professorships | Transformative Learning | Management of Innovations | System transformation in health and well-being (last one in Dutch)

                Dear all,

At the Athena Institute at VU Amsterdam we currently have three vacancies out
for tenured positions. Are you joining our permanent staff? Or do you know
someone who might be a good candidate?

Assistant Professor of Transformative Learning for Inter- and

  *   Deadline April 23rd

Universitair Docent Systeemtransformatie voor gezondheid en

  *   Deadline April 23rd
  *   Vacancy in Dutch due to teaching and empirical focus (at least partly)
on the Netherlands

Assistant Professor Management of Innovations

  *   Deadline has formally passed, but we are interested to still receive
applications by email (Letter and CV).
  *   Please send these to: dr. Linda van de Burgwal
( and prof.dr.
Marjolein Zweekhorst (
with cc to the Athena secretaries
  *   The (original) Dutch vacancy is attached but we are now equally open to
candidates who do not yet master the Dutch language (and who are happy to use
deepl or similar to read the vacancy).

For questions about these vacancies, please contact the vacancy holders or

Thanks for sharing and with warm wishes,


Teun Zuiderent-Jerak, MA, MA, PhD
Professor of Transdisciplinary Science & Technology Studies

Program chair EASST-4S 2024 Conference
5-min movie on STS Making and Doing
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VU Athena Institute

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[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of Assistant Professor Management van Innovaties_Vacature text.pdf]
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