Eurograd message

Message posted on 29/03/2024

Using Imposter Methods: An Interdisciplinary Workshop

                Using Imposter Methods Workshop: An Interdisciplinary Workshop

Wed 12th June 2024 10:00AM
School of Law and Social Justice (Events Space), University of Liverpool, L69

What are imposter methods? This workshop explores how imposter methods -
research techniques that attend to imposter positions as generative locations
of knowledge production - can enable more survivable ways of knowing and being
in academia. The aim of the workshop is to explore how thinking with imposter
'syndrome' can be a fruitful way to question who and what is welcomed into
research, conditionally or tokenistically included, kept or forced out.
Experiences of feeling like an imposter in higher education are increasingly
attended to in research, named and claimed on social media, and illuminated in
workshops on building confidence (Breeze & Taylor 2020). This one day workshop
will bring together people involved in academic research and life to
collaboratively engage ways to do, undo, and experiment with imposter methods.
The workshop explores ways to think about the figure of the imposter in
relation to knowledge production, imagining imposter positions as ways of
knowing, and examining the shapes imposter research methodologies could take
(Nielsen 2021).Thinking about 'imposter syndrome' means de-individualising
this phenomenon and attending to intersecting inequalities that continue to
structure educational inclusions and epistemic hierarchies (Breeze 2018).
Building on an imposter position attended to in Black feminist thought where
an 'outsider within' location is theorised as vital to social science (Hill
Collins 1986), in this workshop we address what methodologies emerge when we
centre imposter positions and practices. Is there methodological space for
doubt, uncertainty, fakery and fraudulence, trickery and deception? Can we
develop methodologies that enact imposter feelings and enable other ways of
knowing and being? What can imposters teach us on how to make more liveable,
survivable research and actively impose upon knowledge practices and our
writing and research dissemination? Offering a different approach to the
figure of the imposter to Woolgar, Vogel, Moats and Helgesson (2021), the
workshop is open to graduate researchers and academics in STS and allied
fields working across social science and arts and humanities boundaries,
especially those pursuing methodological innovation in relation to social
research and epistemic injustices.

Further information and registration here:
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