Eurograd message

Message posted on 17/02/2024

Job opening: research fellowship (post-doc) at the University of Milan

                Dear colleagues,

Apologies for cross-posting, and please feel free to circulate widely.

Job opening
Research fellowship (post-doc level) at the University of Milan, for a project
on The European Health Data Space: Anticipating Ethical, Governance and
Socio-Political Challenges.

The project will be conducted under the supervision of Dr. Luca Marelli at the
Research Unit in Ethics and Governance of Health
Research, within the Department
of Medical Biotechnology and Translational Medicine  named Department of
excellence 2023-2027 by MUR (Italian Ministry of University and Research) 
at the University of Milan. It will be pursued within a broader international
research team with partners from the European Institute of Oncology IRCCS
(Italy), the University of Oxford (UK), and KU Leuven (Belgium). The project
is funded by the Cariplo Foundation (Social Science Research Grant) and will
be conducted in close synergy with the ELSA activities of the Horizon
Europe-funded NEUROCOV consortium. The research team
collaborates closely with leading Italian research hospitals, national and
international health research networks and think-tanks, government and
regulatory agencies. The project is thus expected to advance scholarly
debates, through publications in leading international academic journals and
participation in national and international conferences, as well as to
contribute to policy outcomes.

Project synopsis
The research project is aimed at scrutinizing the impact and anticipating
challenges arising from the implementation of the Regulation on the European
Health Data Space (EHDS), which is poised to have transformative effects for
health research and care systems in Europe (Marelli et al., Health Policy
2023). By means of an interdisciplinary approach based on qualitative
research, data governance, and research ethics methodologies, we will engage
with key stakeholders in the health and policy domain at the Italian and EU
level to probe opportunities and challenges posed by the establishment of the
EHDS, while conducting normative analyses to identify socially robust and
normatively sound solutions for the EHDS implementation.

 A PhD degree in Science & Technology Studies, Social Sciences, Bioethics,
Law, Philosophy, Biomedical Sciences, Medicine, or another relevant degree
(PhD level) with a preferred focus on health data governance, Ethical Legal &
Social Aspects of health research, societal and stakeholder perspectives.
 Good organizational skills, proactive attitude, can work independently and
can embark in interdisciplinary research.
 Excellent social and written communication skills in English and Italian (an
extra asset).
 Preferred experience with social scientific methods, such as qualitative
 Ability and flexibility to work in an international interdisciplinary team,
while liaising with relevant institutional stakeholders at the national and
international level.
 Enthusiastic and committed to advance research on the topic.

The position
A full-time position within an internationally focused interdisciplinary
research network  headquartered in the city of Milan - with relevant
experience and expertise. For this job, a contract of 18 months is offered,
with flexible working conditions and competitive salary.

To apply for this position:

Application deadline is March 7, 2024. For pre-submission inquiries, please
contact Dr. Luca Marelli,

Thanks in advance,

Luca Marelli

Ricercatore (RTD-B, MED/02)
Assistant Professor, Ethics and Governance of Health Research
Department of Medical Biotechnology and Translational Medicine
University of Milan
L.I.T.A., Via F.lli Cervi 93, 20054 Segrate (MI), Italy
+39 02503 30410

Research Associate (Visiting)
Life Sciences & Society Lab
Centre for Sociological Research (CeSO)
KU Leuven
Parkstraat 45, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
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