Eurograd message

Message posted on 17/02/2024

Job posting: PhD candidate - 66% working time - Berliner Universities (Technische Universität Berlin)

                Dear list members,

I wanted to circulate a PhD position at TU Berlin in Germany.

The deadline for applications to a PhD position on the topic of.... Is d to
July 2nd, 2023.

The job description and information about applying can be found here:

Technische Universitt Berlin

Philtech/ The Berlin Ethics Lab (BEL) is looking for one PhD student. We bring
philosophical reflection into a close
working relationship with disciplines that develop and use emerging
technologies to better understand their impact. Our
group combines expertise in technology ethics with methods of technology
assessment that bring together stakeholders
from research, art and society to pave the way for sustainable and responsible
design of future technologies. In our
research, we uncover the complex interrelationships between visions, values,
design, and artifacts in order to reflect on
and evaluate, from an ethical perspective, their impact on our living world.
With the Berlin Ethics Certificate, we train
students of all disciplines to reflect on science and technology as well as in
inter- and transdisciplinary work while
applying approaches of participatory research as didactic method. Our working
languages are English and German.
Further information:

Research assistant - 0.66 working time - salary grade E13 TV-L Berliner
under the reserve that funds are granted
Faculty V - Institute of Machine Tools and Factory Management / Chair of
Knowledge Dynamics in the
Engineering Sciences
Reference number: V-3/24 (starting at 01/04/24 / until 31/03/2026 / closing
date for applications 01/03/24)

Working field:
Participation in research with a focus on participatory research and
interdisciplinary didactics on the topic of "green
technologies". This includes, among others:

  *   Participation in the ongoing development of the course program as part
of the Berlin Ethics Certificate (in particular
the module "Green Technologies - Rescue or Technology Fix?")

  *   Participation in the teaching activities of the department with a focus
on project-oriented learning, including the thesis

  *   Opportunity to a PhD in one of the research foci of the department,
including publications, conference presentations,
organization of events, and science communication activities


  *   Successfully completed academic university studies (master's degree,
diploma or equivalent) in engineering with a
focus on environmental technology, technology assessment or similar

  *   Willingness to familiarize in-depth with the field of technology ethics
  *   Experience in the field of "technology ethics" is an advantage

  *   Successfully completed academic university studies (master's degree,
diploma or equivalent) in the humanities or
social sciences with a focus on technology ethics, science ethics or similar

  *   Willingness to familiarize in-depth with the field of environmental
technology and technology assessment
  *   Experience in the field of "environmental technology" and "technology
assessment" is an advantage

In addition to

  *   Willingness to familiarize in-depth with interdisciplinary didactics
  *   Enthusiasm for interdisciplinary collaboration and participatory
  *   Interdisciplinary study profile is an advantage
  *   Didactic aptitude and commitment to teaching
  *   Ability to work in a team and with a high degree of independence
  *   Sufficient language profiency to teach classes in German and/or English
is expected; willingness to learn either
  *   English or German is expected

For inquiries about the position, please contact Ina Peters
( or Prof. Dr. Sabine

Please send your application with the reference number and the usual documents
(cover letter, curriculum vitae,
certificates, excerpt of the master's thesis (approx. 3-6 pages), references,
and possible starting date) exclusively by email
bundled in one PDF document to Marine Lhuillier-Khnelt

By submitting your application via email you consent to having your data
electronically processed and saved. Please
note that we do not provide a guarantee for the protection of your personal
data when submitted as unprotected file.
Please find our data protection notice acc. DSGVO (General Data Protection
Regulation) at the TU staff department

Homepage: or
quick access 214041.
To ensure equal opportunities between women and men, applications by women
with the required qualifications are
explicitly desired. Qualified individuals with disabilities will be favored.
The TU Berlin values the diversity of its members
and is committed to the goals of equal opportunities.
Technische Universitt Berlin - Die Prsidentin, Fakultt V, Institut fr
Werkzeugmaschinen und Fabrikbetrieb, FG
Wissensdynamik und Nachhaltigkeit in den Technikwissenschaften, Prof. Dr.
Sabine Ammon, Sekr. PTZ 10,
Pascalstrae 8-9, 10587 Berlin

The vacancy is also available on:

Marine Lhuillier-Khnelt
sie/ihr - she/her
Admin- Assistentin
Prof.Dr. S. Ammon

Technische Universitt Berlin
Fakultt V -
Verkehrs- und Maschinensysteme
Institut fr Werkzeugmaschinen und Fabrikbetrieb
Institut fr Philosophie, Literatur-, Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte
Fachgebiet Wissensdynamik und Nachhaltigkeit in den Technikwissenschaften
Prof.Dr. S. Ammon

Sekretariat PTZ 10
Raum 319
Pascalstrae 8 - 9,
D-10587 Berlin
+49 -030- 314-29582
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