Eurograd message

Message posted on 07/02/2024

Post-doctoral postion STS/care and ageing at Open Universiteit

                Dear colleagues,
We offer an exciting 2-year opportunity for a post-doctoral researcher with previous experience in Science and Technology Studies (STS) in relation to care and ageing in my research group at The Open University of The Netherlands.

It will be your primary tasks to explore how trust is created for digital technologies in (home) care settings. We are especially interested in how different values and valuations among caregivers, older people, technology provides, etc. constitute trust or distrust in practices of caring. To this end, you will be collaborating with a network of care organisations in the region of Zuid-Limburg using ethnographic methods, co-creation, and participatory action research. You will also have the opportunity to experiment with different designs for knowledge dissemination workshops, where we explicitly look for innovative forms of multimodal scholarly output.

Application deadline is 26 February 2024. Please circulate widely.

Best wishes

Prof. Dr. Alexander Peine
Professor of Culture, Innovation and Communication | Research Director

Faculty of Humanities
Open University of The Netherlands
Valkenburgerweg 177 Heerlen, Bologna Building, Room 3.03
P.O. Box 2960 6401 DL Heerlen

Chair: Socio-gerontechnology Network
Chair: Societal Advisory Board Joint Programming Initiative “More Years, Better Lives”

Latest Publications:
van Hees, S., C. Greubel, E. Moors, and A. Peine (2023). Valuation in Health and Ageing Innovation Practices. Ageing and Society 43 (9): 2022-40.
Gallistl, V., S. Katz, F. Kolland, and A. Peine (2023). Editorial: Socio-Gerontechnology—new Perspectives on the Digital Transformation of Later Life. Frontiers in Sociology 8.
Lukkien, D. R. M., H. H. Nap, H. P. Buimer, A. Peine, W. P. C. Boon, J. C. F. Ket, M. M. N. Minkman, and E. H. M. Moors (2023). Towards Responsible Artificial Intelligence in Long-Term Care: A Scoping Review on Practical Approaches. The Gerontologist 63(1), 155-168.
Fischer, B., A. Peine, and B. Östlund (2022). Doing User Involvement: Shifting Interstices and Coalescing Tensions in Care Technology. Science, Technology & Human Values (forthcoming), 1-28.
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