Eurograd message

Message posted on 05/02/2024

[EICS 2024] Workshop proposals - Deadline Extension

                The deadline for submissions of the EICS workshop proposals has been extended to February 14.


The Workshops Track of EICS 2024 offers an opportunity to organize specialized forums alongside the main conference, focusing on emerging and trendy topics related to the engineering of interactive computing systems.

In addition to traditional workshops with paper presentations, we welcome innovative workshop formats, including design and experience workshops (where participants design and/or evaluate artifacts), interactive sessions based on collaborative work, etc.

Workshops durations can be suggested by the organizers (half-day or full-day).

We invite proposals no longer than 5 pages (new ACM Master template, manuscript option), including:

Background: The aims and goals of the workshop.
Target Audience: Expected background, level of knowledge, and expected number of participants.
Pre-Workshop Plans: Recruiting attendees, community building, submission expectations, and workshop timeline.
Workshop Structure: Detailed structure & format, including activities, timing, and resources.
Operational Requirements: Specific equipment or space needs.
Advertising Plan: Planned website, mailing lists, and previous attendees' invitations.
Post-Workshop Plans: Dissemination plan, including publication in an LNCS volume by Springer.
Organizers: Short bio of each organizer, including expertise in organizing workshops and topics.


All dates are Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone:
February 2 (extended to February 14), 2024: Submission deadline for workshop proposals.
February 23, 2024: Notification of acceptance.


Workshop papers will have the opportunity to present their results in poster sessions at EICS 2024.
Proposals will be evaluated based on the workshop theme relevance, organizers' scientific background, and advertising plan.
Previous EICS workshops for reference: [List of previous EICS workshops].


Registration is required for both attendees and organizers.
Workshops with 5 or fewer attendees will be canceled.
Free registration incentives based on the number of attendees

For additional information and submission guidelines, visit 

We eagerly await your innovative workshop proposals for EICS 2024!

Luciana Zaina - Federal University of São Carlos
Emanuele Panizzi - University of Rome La Sapienza
Klen Čopič Pucihar - University of Primoska

The EICS 2024 Workshop co-chairs.
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