Eurograd message

Message posted on 12/01/2024

2 positions: Research Assistant in Medical Ethics and Digitization, 3 years

                At the Junior Professorship for Medical Ethicswith a focus on digitization 
at the Faculty of Health Sciences Brandenburg,University of Potsdam (Golm 
site), Germany, two positions as Research Assistant(f/m/d) are to be filled, 
if possible, from 01.04.2024 for a limited perioduntil 31.03.2027. The 
positions are graded according to pay group 13 TV-L.
The positions can be filled part-time (min.25%) or full-time. The job 
profile includes collaboration in research, teachingor ethics consultation 
at the Junior Professorship and/or collaboration in theDiMEN and/or E-cARE 
projects. Opportunities for further professionalqualification, doctorate or 
habilitation, are given.

The Junior Professorship for Medical Ethicswith a focus on digization at the 
Faculty of Health Sciences Brandenburg isdedicated to ethical aspects of 
health sciences and medicine, against thebackground of the growing use of 
digital technologies, the utilization of largeamounts of data ("big data") 
as well as automation and robotics inhealthcare. The Junior Professorship 
also focuses on ethical issues inbiomedical research, ethics consulting and 
participatory research and sciencecommunication. (Further information:
The DiMEN (Digital Medical Ethics Network)project aims to structurally 
strengthen the field of medical ethics in view ofthe changing requirements 
resulting from the digitalization of medicine.Various measures in research, 
teaching and ethics consultation will bedeveloped over the course of the 
project. DiMEN is funded by the VolkswagenFoundation and is a joint project 
of the Junior Professorship for MedicalEthics at the University of Potsdam 
and the Institute for Ethics and History ofMedicine at the University of 
Tübingen. (Further information:
The E-cARE (Ethics Guidelines for SociallyAssistive Robots in Elderly Care) 
project is investigating the conditions forthe responsible use of social 
robotics in care. The aim is to generateknowledge on the questions in which 
areas and in what way complementing orsubstituting care work with 
technological means may be responsible or evennecessary. For this purpose, 
philosophical-ethical analyses are combined withsocial science studies 
(qualitative methods). The findings will be used in aparticipatory process 
(citizens' conference) to formulate ethical criteria forthe use of robotics 
in care. E-cARE is funded by the German Federal Ministry ofHealth. (Further 
Your tasks:
* Independent and innovative researchin the field of medical, digital or 
technology ethics and/or development of a(non-)clinical ethics counseling 
* Support in setting up the DigitalMedical Ethics Network (DiMEN) and/or 
collaboration in the E-cARE projectand/or collaboration in research and 
teaching at the Junior Professorship
* Teaching (two hours per week) and/ordeveloping (digital) teaching and 
training events on ethics consultation
* Preparation of publications,presentation of project results at workshops 
and conferences
* Supporting other research projectsof the Junior Professorship and 
acquiring third-party funding
Your profile:
* Completed studies (e.g. philosophy,medicine, social sciences, computer 
science) with proven experience in dealingwith ethical-normative issues
* Experience in research and teachingin (medical) ethics with a focus on 
digitalization issues and/or experience in clinicalethics consultation
* Publication and presentation experience
* Knowledge of project management,project coordination or event organization 
is an advantage
* Knowledge of empirical orparticipatory methods of ethics is an advantage
* High social and communicationskills, ability to work in a team, organized 
and independent way of working
* Excellent written and spoken Englishskills
We offer you:
* An interdisciplinary team as well asa creative and family-friendly working 
* Flexible working conditions andpersonal development prospects
* Competitive remuneration accordingto TV-L as well as the usual public 
service benefits
* Opportunity for further professionalqualification, doctorate or 
* Modern technical equipment andopportunities for (international) scientific 
Severely disabled persons will be givenpreferential consideration if equally 
The University of Potsdam aims to increase theproportion of women in 
research and teaching and therefore strongly encouragesapplications from 
suitably qualified female academics.
Applications with the usual documents (cover letter, CV,list of publications 
and teaching experience, copies ofcertificates/evaluations, letters of 
reference if applicable) as well as thepreferred scope of the position 
should be sent to Prof. Dr. Robert Ranisch ( in a 
combined PDF file by January 31, 2024.
Job interviews (virtual or in person) will be held on February8 and 9.
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
der Juniorprofessur für Medizinische Ethik mit Schwerpunkt auf 
Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften Brandenburg
Gemeinsame Fakultät der Universität Potsdam, der Medizinischen Hochschule 
Brandenburg Theodor Fontane und der Brandenburgischen Technischen 
Universität Cottbus - Senftenberg

Universität Potsdam,Campus Golm,
Am Mühlenberg 9,
Haus 62 (H-Lab), Raum 201,
14476 Potsdam

Tel.: +49 331 977 256041
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