Eurograd message

Message posted on 05/12/2023

EASST-4S CFP: Digital nationalism

                Please consider submitting an abstract to our open panel on digital

Digital nationalism: nations between transformation and continuity
Session organizers:
Nelli Piattoeva, Tampere University,
Aaro Tupasela, University of Helsinki,

This open panel explores the notion of digital nationalism whereby processes
of digitalization and datafication reshape and reproduce nations,
nation-states and nationalism in new or old ways. As a political principal
nationalism equates the state as a bounded territory with a nation as a
cultural community performing itself as sharing common traits. Nationalism as
discourse (zkirimli, 2010) builds on broader claims of a shared identity,
spatiality and temporality, constructing a frame of reference for making sense
of and structuring reality. Old and new conceptions of territory, identity,
memory, inclusion and exclusion, among others, (re)emerge through the
sociomaterial work of digital and data driven technologies, the policies and
discourses that promote them also in the new spaces of digital and often
virtual communities such as transnational diasporas or corporate networks
(Tupasela, 2021; Couldry and Mejias, 2019; Kitchin, 2014; Trigo, 2003). Across
public and private domains some technologies may become powerful tools of
communicating and stabilizing social and cultural norms through material and
affective, spectacular and mundane means (Larkin, 2008). For instance,
historically and contemporarily nations have deployed large-scale
infrastructures to bind themselves physically and affectively (Barney, 2017).
Technological innovations and aspirations are also indicative of and nurture
visions and collective imaginaries of the future (Jasanoff, 2015) whereby
different policies and practices play generative and mediating roles between
nationalism and technologies. The development of technologies and
technological infrastructures entails deliberate or unintentional choices of
inclusion and exclusion.

Our panel seeks to discuss these and other emerging forms of digital
nationalism and to start building an intellectual community focused on this
phenomenon. We invite presentations which engage with historical or
contemporary empirical cases including but not limited to:

-          Education

-          Immigration

-          Social media and virtual communities

-          National digital policies and infrastructures

-          Medical technologies

-          Visual representations

-          Cultural institutions

-          Corporate and commercial activities

Aaro Tupasela, DSocSc, Docent
University Researcher

Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Helsinki
Twitter: @AaroTupasela
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