Eurograd message

Message posted on 03/12/2023

Experimental Publishing Compendium Launch

                The Copim community and Open Book Futures are pleased
to announce the launch of the

Experimental Publishing Compendium

The compendium is a guide and reference for scholars, publishers, developers,
librarians, and designers. The compendium gathers and links tools, examples of
experimental books, and experimental publishing practices, focusing on free
and open-source software, platforms, and digital publishing tools that presses
and authors can use freely or adapt to their research and publishing

We are celebrating the official launch of the  Experimental Publishing
Compendium with a festive calendar.


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discover 24 experimental publishing tools, practices & books from the


With the compendium, we want to inspire authors and publishers to publish
experimental monographs that challenge and redefine the shape, form, and
rationale of scholarly books. The compendium includes experiments with the
form and format of the scholarly book; with the various (multi)media we can
publish long-form research in; and with how people produce, disseminate,
consume, review, reuse, interact with, and form communities around books. Far
from being merely a formal exercise, experimental publishing as we conceive it
here also reimagines the relationalities that constitute scholarly writing,
research, and publishing. Books, after all, validate what counts as research
and materialise how scholarly knowledge production is organised.

We hope that the linked entries in this compendium inspire speculations on the
future of the book and the humanities and encourage publishers and authors to
explore publications beyond the standard printed codex format.


The Experimental Publishing Compendium has been curated by Janneke Adema,
Julien McHardy, and Simon Bowie and has been compiled by Janneke Adema, Simon
Bowie, Gary Hall, Rebekka Kiesewetter, Julien McHardy, and Tobias Steiner.
Future versions will be overseen, curated, and maintained by an Editorial
Board. Back-end coding by Simon Bowie , front-end
coding by Joel Galvez , design by Joel Galvez &
Martina Vanini.
The Experimental Publishing Compendium is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
. All source code is available
on GitHub at an MIT License

The compendium grew out of the following two reports:

Adema, J., Bowie, S., Mars, M., and T. Steiner (2022) Books Contain
Multitudes: Exploring Experimental Publishing (2022 update). Community-Led
Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM). doi:
10.21428/785a6451.1792b84f &
10.5281/zenodo.6545475 .

Adema, J., Moore, S., and T. Steiner (2021) Promoting and Nurturing
Interactions with Open Access Books: Strategies for Publishers and Authors.
Community-Led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM). doi:
10.21428/785a6451.2d6f4263 and
COPIM, Open Book Futures, and the Experimental Publishing Compendium are
supported by the Research England Development (RED) Fund
 and by Arcadia .
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