Eurograd message

Message posted on 09/11/2023

"Information Crisis and the Open Future" (March 6-9, 2024) Winter symposium (Cybioses study circle of the Nordic Summer University)

                (Apologies for cross-posting)

Information Crisis and the Open Future, NSU Winter Symposium

Date and location: March 6th – March 9th, 2024, Music Innovation Studies
Centre (MISC) at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Vilnius,
Lithuania, in collaboration withIdeas Block/Kompresorine. The symposium is
partly funded by Nordplus.

Deadlinefor abstracts and funding requests:the 7th of January 2024 (details on
our webpage, link below). 

As part of the study circle/symposium series Cybioses – Life in the Future
Imperfect, organised within the Nordic Summer University (NSU), we are
pleased to announce a call for abstracts and artistic submissions for our
workshop on Information Crisis and the Open Future. We welcome proposals that
engage with, and discuss, the following areas:

(Post-)truth and knowledge (the scientific information crisis)

AI, data, and the digital (a crisis in information theory)

The internet, media, art and the news (misinformation crisis)

AI, art and process, authenticity and agency (the creativity crisis) 

Other related topics are welcome, as arecontributors from all fields –
scholars, artists, students, technologists and other professionals.
Experimental approaches to presenting and collaborating are encouraged. There
will be space for installations and performances. Feel free to contact us if
you are wondering how you would fit in and please send a short motivation
letter and bio by the 7th of

For information about abstract submission, more details on the topics of the
conference and funding opportunities, please visit our webpage:

Palle Dahlstedt
Professor of Interaction Design, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Gothenburg / Chalmers University of Technology

Eric Deibel
PhD, Researcher with ADAPT centre & lecturer at the Sociology Department of
Maynooth University, Ireland

Maru Mushtrieva

Researcher and text and sound artist with a background in literature and based
between Berlin and Brussels
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