Message posted on 29/08/2023
Corrected Version - CfA Postdoctoral Position in Research Training Group "Fixing Futures", Frankfurt.
Dear all, Unfortunately, there were some incorrect links in the job advertisement for the vacant postdoctoral position starting 01.01.24 in the Research Training Group "Fixing Futures" at the Goethe University Frankfurt that I sent some days ago, here you can find the version with the correct links. Thank you for sharing the job advertisement with interested candidates! The Research Training Group "Fixing Futures: Technologies of Anticipation in Contemporary Societies" in the Department of Social Sciences at Goethe University Frankfurt, which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), is offering to fill the position of a --- Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/d) (E13 TV-G-U, full-time) --- starting on 01.01.2024 for a limited period until 30.04.2028. The salary grade is based on the job characteristics of the collective agreement applicable to Goethe University (TV-G-U). Building on recent scholarship in science and technology studies (STS), the Research Training Group "Fixing Futures" investigates how contemporary societies accommodate future developments and events. It explores "technologies of anticipation" focusing on economic practices, modes of government, and processes of life as the main research areas. The Research Training Group combines the disciplinary perspectives of cultural anthropology, human geography, sociology and related social sciences. English is the language of instruction. Here you will find more information on our research programme - please read this document carefully before applying ( Recruitment requirements are: * an outstanding doctorate in STS, human geography, cultural anthropology, sociology or a neighbouring discipline * good methodological skills and research experience * a depth of knowledge in at least one research area (economies, governance, life) * very good skills in spoken and written English * ability and willingness to work in a team * excellent competences in research methods and theories in STS as well as publications in (inter-)national peer-reviewed journals The exact instructions for an application can be found in the following documents (see - Information for applicants - Application form (please submit this with your application) The Goethe University is committed to a policy of providing equal employment opportunities for both men and women alike, and therefore encourages particularly women to apply for the position/s offered. Individuals with severe disability will be prioritized in case of equal aptitude and ability. The Research Training Group offers a variety of support for reconciling work and family. Please send your applications by email as a single PDF file to the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Goethe University Frankfurt, email: by 20.09.2023. Please state the reference number 16/2023 in your application. The job advertisement can also be found here: Best regards, Annika Troitzsch _______________________________________________ EASST's Eurograd mailing list Eurograd (at) Unsubscribe or edit subscription options: Meet us via Report abuses of this list to Eurograd-owner@lists.easst.netview formatted text
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