Message posted on 26/05/2023
Reminder for CFP: 4S 2023 Open panel: "Cyborg Writing within Academia in the Age of Generative AI"
**With apologies for cross-posting** Dear all, With the 4S 2023 submissions coming to a close at the end of the day today, I'd be grateful if you could consider making a submission if the panel below interests you, and you haven't done so already. Thank you so much for your time! *201. Cyborg Writing within Academia in the Age of Generative AI* *Organizer:* Shiv Issar, University of Oregon; The objective of this panel is to examine the development of AI literacies within academia, with a specific emphasis on the potential impact of such literacies on the work carried out by researchers, instructors, and university administrators. With the integration of AI technologies into university operations increasing across different geographies, it is imperative that individuals possess the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively work with these technologies. More crucially, it is necessary to consider the cultural shifts that will occur as a result of their work. This panel will primarily scrutinize the ways in which cyborg theory and posthumanist theory inform the development of AI literacies within academia, particularly where the ethical and cultural implications of utilizing generative AI technologies are concerned. By considering these implications, the panel will reflect on how these theoretical frameworks (and others from STS) can inform the development of AI literacies for the purposes of conducting research, teaching, or working in administrative functions. With respect to researchers, this panel will investigate the ethical use of AI chatbots like ChatGPT and its effects upon the politics and processes of knowledge production across various domains. In terms of teaching, the panel will explore different approaches for developing AI literacies for pedagogical purposes, with a particular emphasis on teaching "cyborg writing" to both, undergraduate and graduate students. Lastly, this panel will investigate various strategies for developing AI literacies among university administrators, with a focus on evaluating their relationship with the development and implementation of university AI policies. *See also:* *Deadline:* May 26, 2023 (Submissions open at the end of April 2023) Warmly, -- *Shiv Issar* Doctoral Candidate and Graduate Employee | Department of Sociology, University of Oregon Student Board Member 2022-24 | Society for the Study of Social Problems Project Coordinator | Society for Social Studies of Science | Pronouns: he/his/him | _______________________________________________ EASST's Eurograd mailing list Eurograd (at) Unsubscribe or edit subscription options: Meet us via Report abuses of this list to Eurograd-owner@lists.easst.netview formatted text
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