Eurograd message

Message posted on 20/03/2023

CRISP Doctoral School 2023 - Applications are open!

                Hi everyone

Hope you are all doing well.

Back by popular demand the CRISP Doctoral Training school is running in 2023
and we are very pleased to announce that applications are open. The School
runs from 19th - 23 June, starting at lunchtime on the 19th and finishing at 4
on the 23rd. The school is open to anyone who is pursuing a doctoral degree in
the field of surveillance studies, privacy, data protection or related

We've had some difficulties sourcing accommodation for the school which is why
we are a bit late in announcing it. If it looks like applicants will need more
time with their applications, we'll extend the deadline if we need to, we

Colleagues if you have any doctoral students that you think may be interested
please forward this message to them. Students on the list, it would be lovely
to see you.

Details of how to apply, costs etc are on this page:

We look forward to receiving your applications and please do get in touch if
you have any questions.
Best wishes
Kirstie and fellow CRISP directors Pete, William, Charles, Lachlan and Sally


Kirstie Ball
Professor of Management
Director, Centre for Research into Information, Surveillance and Privacy
School of Management

The Gateway, North Haugh,
St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9RJ
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