Eurograd message

Message posted on 07/02/2023

Kick-off Webinar of the Global Pharmaceuticals & Society Studies Network 9th February 2023

                *Webinar on Challenging Pharmaceutical Innovation*

Public-private-patient partnerships, compounding or magistral preparation,
and academic development of pharmaceuticals: alternatives to the classical
pharmaceutical innovation model have taken off (again) since the turn of
the century. Actors driving them include patients, clinicians, and
pharmacists, often supported by healthcare insurers and policymakers at
national and international levels.

Generally, these new ways of organising pharmaceutical innovation respond
to well-known availability, accessibility, and affordability problems that
increasingly dominate pharmaceutical spaces across the globe.

To make these initiatives successful, people take on new-to-them roles or
join hands with others in partnerships. They are, as such, examples of
*social *innovation. These social pharmaceutical innovation (SPIN)
initiatives are strongly context-dependent and remain loosely connected, if
at all (Douglas et al., 2022). At the same time, the experienced problems
that SPINs seek to address are remarkably similar across different
contexts. Given these factors, there is enormous potential in sharing
experiences to promote patient access to medicines.

On *9 February 2023 from 16:00-17:30 CET*, the Global Pharmaceuticals &
Society Studies Network will devote its kick-off webinar to introducing you
to several social innovation alternatives and how they challenge current
modes of organising pharmaceutical innovation. Confirmed speakers include
Stephanie Michaud (BioCanRX, Canada), Anne Pollock (Kings College London,
Agnes Jaulent (espeRare Foundation, Switzerland).

The GPSS network aims to stimulate cross-national knowledge exchange and
build a community to provide for collaborations in critical pharmaceutical
studies. We seek to facilitate reflection and critical discussion on
political, economic, social, and ethical issues related to pharmaceutical
development, production, marketing, use, and regulation.

Please register for our kick-off webinar or indicate your interest in
future GPSS network activities via the Google Form here


Thanks so much for your interest!

Conor Douglas (York University, Canada)

Paul Martin (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom)

Sarah Wadmann (Danish Center for Social Science Research, Denmark)

Tineke Kleinhout-Vliek (Utrecht University, the Netherlands)
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