Eurograd message

Message posted on 02/02/2023

Summer school, Probing Innovation: Prospecting, Valuing, and Negotiating F®ictions, June 6-9, 2023, Lausanne

                Dear colleagues,

We have the great pleasure to announce you the Summer school organized by:
the Laboratory of Science and Technology Studies (STS Lab) of the University of Lausanne,
the Padova Science, Technology and Innovation Studies (PaSTIS) of the University of Padova,
and the Laboratory of History of Science and Technology (LHST) of the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)

Probing Innovation: Prospecting, Valuing, and Negotiating F®ictions, June 6-9, 2023, Lausanne

Invited Speakers
• • • • •
Susi Geiger, University College Dublin
Hyo Yoon Kang, University of Warwick
Paolo Magaudda, University of Padova
Brice Laurent, Mines Paris
Tanja Schneider, University of St.Gallen

Foundational texts in Science and Technology Studies (STS) highlighted the extended sociotechnical networks of innovation and its black-boxed objects (e.g., Latour 1987). At the same time, they challenged linear accounts of innovation for their obliteration of its multiple contingencies, controversies, and closures (Bijker & Pinch 1987). Of late, "innovation" has again become more of a normative, if not critical concern (e.g., Godin & Vinck 2017), be it with respect to the longstanding theme of the broader consequences of technological innovation – social, political and ecological –, its economic grounding in entrenched processes of value extraction, the global infrastructure of "digital disruption," or "the quest to discover new sources of potentially marketable biocapital" (Franklin 2006). In a nutshell, STS has both approached and practiced "innovation" as a transdisciplinary, multifaceted, and fragile endeavour (e.g., Nowotny 2005), while drawing upon and renewing historical and economical, as well as anthropological and sociological approaches to innovation.
The 1st STS Lab Summer School, held at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) from 6 to 9 June 2023, will be Probing Innovation by bringing together leading scholars and upcoming researchers, thus offering a forum for engaged discussion and critical reflection on "innovation" and its multiple aspects, including the prospects, values, facts, and f®ictions (Lowenhaupt Tsing 2005, 2020) at play in empirical cases, the "registered trademark" sign indicating one recurring friction, between private and public interests – others are to be added (e.g., between R&D and PR, if not "fact"and "fiction"), depending upon field, STS interest, and approach.
The main themes, approaches and arguments to be addressed at the Summer School include – without being restricted to – the following ones:
• Innovation as sociotechnical practices in different fields such as biomedicine, computer science, agriculture, ICT, environmental sciences.
• Scientific practices, lab studies, innovation management and research.
• DIY bio, hacking, maker movements, citizen science and other forms of amateur practices.
• Entrepreneurship, "intensive innovation company", disruption and start-ups.
• Valuation, assetization, venture capitals and other forms of high-risk innovation investment practices.
• Disinnovation, redirection, innovation through withdrawal and market detachment.
• Users’ role, co-innovation, design and UX research.

Deadline for application March 20, 2023

Probing Innovation: Prospecting, Valuing, and Negotiating F®ictions

The event is supported by the Swiss Association for the Studies of Science, Technology and Society (STS-CH)
and by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

Best greetings,

Marc Audétat
Senior researcher
Le ColLaboratoire, Unité de recherche-action participative, University of Lausanne
Bâtiment Amphipôle
CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél (+) 41 21 692 20 86
Director (2021-) Laboratory of Science and Technology Studies (STS Lab), Institute Social Sciences (ISS), University of lausanne

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