Eurograd message

Message posted on 23/01/2023

PhD opportunity on safety&security interactions in nuclear innovation @ SCK CEN and ULiège

                Dear EASST colleagues,

The PISA (Programme on the Integration of Social Aspects in nuclear research) group of SCK CEN in collaboration with the University of Liège has a vacancy for a PhD candidate with a background in social sciences/STS.
The PhD project will focus on safety, security and their interactions in a context of nuclear innovation, and will last for a period of 4 years (fully funded).
More information on the project and the application procedure can be found here:

Best regards,

Robbe Geysmans, PhD
Researcher Nuclear Science and Technology Studies (NST)
+32 14 33 80 38 ǀ

Belgian Nuclear Research Centre
Boeretang 200 - 2400 Mol – Belgium

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