Eurograd message

Message posted on 06/12/2022

Reminder: Final session of The Statistics Wars and Their Casualties ONLINE workshop (8 December)

                Dear STS Colleagues,

The final session of *The Statistics Wars and Their Casualties *ONLINE
workshop ( ) will be held on
 Thursday, *December 8 *from 15:00 to 18:15 pm GMT/10:00 am – 1:15 pm EST
*. * The schedule is below.

*We would be very grateful if you would forward this e-mail to members of
the STS community and any other interested colleagues.*

*Anyone who wishes to register for the workshop*, please fill out the form
at this link

. (If you registered for any sessions of the workshop, you do not need to
register again.)

Videos from earlier talks and discussions can be found on this post

others at the workshop website . For questions,
please contact: Jean Miller ( ).

Warmest Wishes,

D. Mayo

R. Frigg

M. Harris

*The Statistics Wars*
*and Their Casualties*

*Session 4 (December 8)*

* Moderator*: Deborah Mayo (Virginia Tech)

* Speakers:*

o   *3:00-3:30* (10:00-10:30): *Jon Williamson *(University of Kent)

*Causal inference is not statistical inference *(Abstract


o   *3:30-4:00* (10:30-11:00): *Margherita Harris* (London School of

*On Severity, the Weight of Evidence, and the Relationship Between the Two *

o   *4:00-4:30* (11:00-11:30): *Aris Spanos *(Virginia Tech)

* Revisiting the Two Cultures in Statistical Modeling and Inference as they
relate to the*

* Statistics Wars and Their Potential Casualties *(Abstract

o   *4:30-5:00* (11:30-12:00): *Uri Simonsohn *(Esade Ramon Llull

* Mathematically Elegant Answers to Research Questions No One is Asking*

* (meta-analysis, random effects models, and Bayes factors)* (Abstract

*5:00-5:10* (12:00-12:10): *Break*

*5:10-5:40* (12:10-12:40): Discussion: participants and audience

*5:40-5:45* (12:40-12:45): Mayo overview and closing remarks

*5:45-6:15* (12:45-13:15): Participant Discussion: Where Do We Go From Here?
 (part ii)

o    Session 4 participants (10 minutes)

o    Other participants (20 minutes)
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