Eurograd message

Message posted on 01/12/2022

Call Special Issue RIS | What Is Truth? Knowledge, Expertise and Political Decision-Making in the Age of Epistemic Instability

                */+++Apologies for cross-posting+++/*

Dear Colleagues,

Please find in attachment a call for abstracts for a special issue on " 
Knowledge, Expertise and Political Decision-Making" for the journal 
Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia 
You can access the call following this link: 

Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia (*indexed in Scopus among other 
databases*) stands as a qualified and innovative forum for the study of 
contemporary societies. The journal is a key publication venue for 
international sociology and the oldest and the most widely read 
sociology journal in Italy.

  * *Abstracts are due by December 31, 2022*. All abstracts (500 
    words), with 5 keywords in English, should be sent as e-mail
    attachments (Word format) to:, stefano., Empirical contributions
    should include details on research design and main findings.

  * *Decisions concerning the selection of abstracts will be given by
    January 31, 2023*.

  * *Submission of full paper to be refereed should be sent to the
    editor by May 31, 2023*. Articles – written in English – should
    follow the Journal guidelines and be uploaded on the Journal
    platform at this link:

  * *Communication from the editors concerning the peer-review process
    will take place by July 31, 2023*. Revised versions sent to the
    editors by September 30, 2023.

  * Publication in Issue 4/2023.

Do not hesitate to contact the Guest Editors if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Stefano (on behalf of the Guest Editors)

Stefano Crabu, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor in Sociology (University of Padova | FISPPA Department - Section of Sociology)

Via Cesarotti  10/12 - 35123 Padova
Ph. +39 049 827 4321 | Mob. +39 340 6159556

Research Unit: Padova Science, Technology & Innovation Studies (University of Padova)
Pa.S.T.I.S. | Padova Science Technology and Innovation Studies
+++ Member of the Editorial Coordination of Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies +++ [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of RIS_WHAT IS TRUTH.pdf] _______________________________________________ EASST's Eurograd mailing list Eurograd (at) Unsubscribe or edit subscription options: Meet us via Report abuses of this list to
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