Eurograd message

Message posted on 30/11/2022

Professorship vacancy: Professor (W2, tenure track) of Sociology with a Focus on Environmental Sociology at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

                Dear all,
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main invites applications for the position of
*Professor (W2, tenure track) of Sociology with a Focus on Environmental
in the Institute of Social Science at the Faculty of Social Sciences. This
civil servant or public employee position will start as soon as possible.
This is a tenure-track position for an initial six-year term. If tenure is
approved at the end of the term, the position will be made permanent and
promotion to the rank of Distinguished Professor (W3) will be granted.
The successful candidate will have a strong international reputation based on
research and teaching in Environmental Sociology and is able to substantiate
focal points in sustainability or biodiversity or climate research through
internationally visible publications. It is also desirable to work on
socio-ecological transformation processes. Experience in theory-guided
empirical research as well as in the successful acquisition of third-party
funds are a prerequisite. The successful candidate is open to participating in
current and future research projects at Goethe University - in particular in
the initiative "Robust Nature" as well as other interdisciplinary activities
in the profile area "Sustainability & Biodiversity". We expect teaching
engagement in all of the Faculty 's degree programs and in the
interdisciplinary master's program "Environmental Studies". Furthermore,
experience in interdisciplinary collaborations with natural sciences is
desired. Successful candidates will be required to participate in the academic
The professorship is also involved in teacher training; experience and
concepts for teaching subject content in schools are welcome.
The formal hiring requirements are defined in sections 67, 68, and 70 of the
Hessian Higher Education Act (Hessisches Hochschulgesetz).
Goethe University is an equal opportunity employer, committed to diversity and
inclusion. In particular, we are welcoming applications by qualified women and
people with a migrant background. At Goethe University, a special emphasis is
placed on creating and sustaining a family-friendly work and research
environment. Where applicants are otherwise equally qualified, preference is
given to candidates with disabilities or equivalent. The same applies to women
in fields in which they are under-represented.
To apply, please send a CV, a list of publications, an overview of your
research and teaching activities as well as transcripts and a selection of
recent course evaluations as a single PDF document by 29.12.2022 to the Dean
of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Prof.
Dr. Christopher Daase: Please quote the reference number 26/2022 in your
application. Further information about the appointment process, the legal
framework and data protection:
The Job Advertisement can also be found here:

Annika Troitzsch
Studentische Hilfskraft, Fachbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Arbeitsbereich 'Biotechnologie, Natur und Gesellschaft'

Goethe-Universitt Frankfurt  |  Campus Westend
PEG Gebude  |  Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
60323 Frankfurt am Main  |  GERMANY

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