Eurograd message

Message posted on 19/07/2022

DEADLINE EXTENDED: Call for Abstracts: Productive Processes - Sustainable Transitions for Urban Industrial Lands

                Dear Colleagues,

Last month we shared a call for abstracts for the upcoming issue of 
*/pNd – rethinking planning 
( */pNd/* is a platform 
hosted by the Chair of Planning Theory and Urban Development (Faculty of 
Architecture, RWTH Aachen University) with the aim of strengthening 
knowledge sharing and dialogue between disciplines as well as between 
science and practice.

This upcoming issue titled /Productive Processes 
addresses (planning) processes facilitating the sustainable transition 
of urban and industrial lands. A PDF of the call is attached as well.

*The deadline for abstracts has since been extended until 15th August, 

Sharing through networks is encouraged and we apologise for any 

Robin (& Agnes)


*Robin A. Chang, BPl, MSc, (Pronouns: She/Her) 
Associate/Wissenschaftliche Angestellte, Chair of Planning Theory and 
Urban Development Faculty of Architecture|RWTH Aachen 
(Formerly at Department of European Planning Cultures, Faculty of 
Spatial Planning, TU Dortmund University) Mob +49 (0)176-8678 7571 Skype 
ID: robinachang Twitter: @robinachang ORCID ID: 000-0002-6201-5393 

Chang, Robin A. (2021): How Do Scholars Communicate the ‘Temporary Turn’ 
in Urban Studies? A Socio-Semiotic Framework. In /Urban Planning/ 6(1) <>

Gerrits, Lasse; Chang, Robin (2021): The generation and selection of 
diversity in collaborative processes: an evolutionary view. In /Handbook 
of Collaborative Public Management./ Edited by Jack W. Meek. 
Massachusetts, USA: Edwards Elgar Publishing, Inc. 

Holden, Meg; Chang, Robin (2020): The Ups and Downs of a Sustainable and 
Climate Resilient Development Path in Canadian Cities. In /Canadian 
cities in transition. Understanding contemporary urbanism. Sixth 
edition./ Edited by Tara Vinodrai, Ryan Walker, Markus Moos. Don Mills, 
Ontario: Oxford University Press. 


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